Isaac Adlowitz and Merrik Saunders Spanish Benchmark

Saludos                                                     Greetings



¡Buenos dias!

Good morning!

¡Buenas tardes!

Good afternoon!

¡Buenas noches!

Good evening!

¿Que tal?

How are you? / What’s up?

¿Como estas? (tu)

How are you?

¿ Como esta? (Ud)

How are you?

¿Que pasa?

What’s happening?



When you first greet someone you would say “¡Hola!” to make them feel welcome. When you wake up in the morning and then see your mom would say “¡Buenos dias!” to wish her a good morning. If you meet up with your friend in the middle of the day you can say “¡Buenas tardes!” to wish them a good afternoon. When you’re about to go to sleep you can say “¡Buenas noches!” to wish the people around you a good night. When someone wants to sit down and talk with you, you can say ¿Que tal?” to see what’s up. When you’re speaking to your grandparents to see how they’re doing say “¿Como esta?” to see how they are. When your talking to your little sister and you want to see how she is say “¿Como estas?” to see what she is up to.  When your confused about what is going on you can say “¿Que pasa?” to find out what you didn’t get.

 Los Buenos modales.                            Good manners.


Thank you.

Muchas gracias

Thanks a lot

Mil gracias

Thanks a million

De nada

It’s nothing

Por nada

You’re welcome

No hay de qué

You’re welcome


What was that? (If you didn't understand what someone said.)

Por favor


Con permiso. (When someone’s standing in your way)

Excuse me.

Disculpe (to get someone’s attention)

Excuse me.

Perdon (if you accidently bump into someone)

Excuse me.

 In this lesson I will be teaching you how to be polite in Spanish. When your mom feeds you dinner you would say “Gracias”. When your walking down the street and your keys fall out of your pocket, and a stranger hands them back to you respond “Mil gracias”. If you’re in class and you’re trying to figure something out, and your teacher comes over to help respond “Muchos Gracias”. If you do someone a favor and they say “Gracias” then you could use any of the three of these “De nada”, “Por nada”, or “No hay de qué”. When someone says something fast and you don’t understand what they said you could say “¿Como?” When you ask someone to do you a favor you can add a “Por favor” to it to make the person more inclined to do it. When you’re in class copying down notes and someone is in your view you can say, “Con permiso” for them to move. When you speak in front of a large group of people and your trying to get their attention you can say “Disculpe” to make them listen.  If your walking on the street and you pump into to someone inadvertently you can say, “Perdon” to see if they are all right.


Los meses del año

Months of the year




























What month is Martin Luther King Day celebrated in? A: Enero

What month is Valentines Day celebrated in?  A: febrero

What month is Pi day celebrated in?  A: marzo

What month is April fools day celebrated in? A: abril

What month is Mothers day celebrated in? A: mayo

What month is Fathers day celebrated in? A: junio

What month is Independence Day celebrated in? A: julio

What month doesn’t have any major holidays celebrated? A: agosto

What month is Labor Day celebrated in? A: septiembre

What month is Halloween celebrated in? A: octubre

What month is Thanksgiving celebrated in? A: noviembre

What month is Christmas celebrated in? A: deciembre



