Isaac Adlowitz Public Feed
La Campana de Libertad
En el año (1751), la Asamblea de Pensilvania ordenó la campana en conmemoración a el quincuagésimo aniversario de William Penn. En el 8 de julio 1776 un carillón hizo sonar en la ciudad de Filadelfia para convocar a las personas a oír Coronel John Nixon leer la Declaración de la Independencia. La campana es un símbolo de libertad e igualdad, dos principios que pertenecen a la fundación de los Estados Unidos. Entonces, ¿Cuando se quebró la campana de la libertad? y ¿Que agrietada está la Campana de la Libertad? No hay una razón o fecha específica, sólo hay teorías. Una teoría es que en un cumplaño de George Washington en 1846 la campana hizo un sonido por última vez. Otra teoría es que la pieza fue mal hecha y la campanilla era demasiado frágil y quebradiza. Otras teorías son ridículas, pero esto es un cuento que parece legítimo.
Esto es un cuento inventado de cómo la Campana de Libertad tiene su rajar. El año es (1833) en la ciudad de Filadelfia, Pensilvania. Un hombre por el nombre de Joseph Johnson está en el torre donde se almacena la Campana de Libertad. B.M. Atherton, el alcalde de Filadelfia en el tiempo está a punto dar un discurso enfrente todo la ciudad. Sr. Johnson tiene el trabajo de tocar la Campana de Libertad, para llamar la atención de las personas. Sr. Johnson no tiene un mazo, entonces se decide a tocar la campana utilizando una palanca. El sonido de la campana después de ser golpeado por la palanca suena muy desagradable. También a consecuencia, una pequena pieza se rompió. Sr. Johnson inmediatamente después de dañar la campana fui a encontrar otra cosa para golpear la campana.
Chile en 1973 y la pintura de El 3 de Mayo de 1808 (Francisco Goya) desde la perspectiva de Father McEnroe
Mis creencias son concentradas para ayudar a las personas y devolver a la comunidad. Yo respeto cuando las personas actúan de una manera hospitalaria hacia otras personas. Mis valores incluyen honestidad, fidelidad, y lealtad. Mis políticas son liberales y yo estoy registrado como democrático para el elección en mayo. Yo apoyo el aumento de los impuestos para ayudar los fondos de educación y otros beneficios sociales. Yo estoy de acuerdo con los izquierdistas. No estoy de acuerdo con los momios. Yo creo que un país se puede considerar próspero cuando las personas pobres tienen beneficios sociales necesarios para vivir cómodamente. En mi época la realidad es que no le han dado a todos la educación necesaria para dejar atrás sus dificultades.
En la pintura yo veo los soldados de España señalar los pistolas hacía en las personas pobres. En realidad la pintura se trata de la resistencia hacia las tropas de Napoleón durante la ocupación en la Guerra de Peninsular. Los colores no es radiante, pero no es oscuro también. El tono de la obra es deprimido y frustrante. Yo veo un oscuro verde, un oscuro rojo, un oscuro azul, un marrón, y mucho negro en la pintura. Los colores representar un triste ambiente la pintura expreso. El tono es de malo soldados perjudicando unas personas pobres y inofensivos. La pintura me recuerda a lo que ha estado ocurriendo en Santiago y otros partes de Chile desde el dictador Augusto Pinochet tomar poder. La pintura es muy apagado.
Mi mundo en el año de 1973 fue uno donde había tensión entre la clase alta que representado los momios y la clase media y la clase obrera quien representado los izquierdistas. En el año de 1973 mi patria de Chile tiene un gobierno socialista debajo de el poder rector de Salvador Allende quien fue elegido a la presidencia en el año de 1970. Los Estados Unidos no estaba de acuerdo con los creencias políticas de Allende porque ellos creían que era un comunista. Los momios de Chile luchado para derrocar el gobierno de Allende, y estaban victorioso. En 11 de septiembre 1973 el golpe de estado ocurrido en Chile, donde Pinochet tomar poder del gobierno. En este pintura una memoria que surgió fue los soldados de Pinochet después del golpe de estado tratar de tomar el control de cada situación en la escuela que dirijo. Yo dije eso “Dios ya no está aquí” en un masa porque el gobierno nuevo impacto la comunidad muy negativa. Los soldados de Pinochet también ataque las personas quien en la oposición de su régimen. El mensaje de la obra es la violencia está mal.
Esta obra de arte es bella, pero me trae malos recuerdos y es difícil para mi miro en por un largo período de tiempo.
Pa'l Norte - Calle 13
Calle 13 es una banda puertorriqueña formada por dos hermanastros René Pérez Joglar (también conocido como Residente) y Eduardo José Cabra Martinez (también conocido como Visitante). La banda también tiene una media hermana de los dos hermanastros Ileana Cabra Joglar (también conocida como PG-13). Residente es el cantante y el autor de las canciones. Visitante es el productor de los ritmos. PG-13 es la cantante de acompañamiento. La música de Calle 13 se ha descrito como el reggaeton pero que hace un esfuerzo para variar su sonido. La canción Pa’l Norte fue debutó en el año de 2007. La canción unifica a los puertorriqueños con otros latinoamericanos quienes emigran al norte. La canción muestra apoyo a los mexicanos y otros latinoamericanos. La canción es casi un poema en la forma de música y una rebelión de los gobiernos en los países de América del Sur, América Central, y los Estados Unidos. Calle 13 canta de las travesías de los inmigrantes y envía un mensaje sobre los políticos que dificultan las vidas de los inmigrantes.
La instrumentación de la canción suena feliz, pero habla sobre temas serios. La instrumentación comienza con vocales. Evoluciona en algo que suena como una persona contando la historia de su experiencia acerca de los oficiales de inmigración. Y finalmente, la mayoría de la canción evoluciona con Residente explicando las luchas de muchos inmigrantes. La canción incluye temas como: inmigración, identidad, lucha, fuerza, adversidad, ocultación, esperanza, viajar, secretos, y ayudar a todos los latinoamericanos. La canción tiene pocas frases repetidas. Los mensajes de la canción incluyen: guardar esperanza, no darse por vencido, y ayudar a tus vecinos. La línea en la canción que más llamó mi atención es “Unas piernas que respiran veneno de serpiente por el camino del viento voy soplando agua ardiente”. Esta línea se destaca porque es la primera línea de la canción, y cuando la cantante menciona el veneno de serpiente, me llamó la atención inmediatamente. También se destaca porque en esta parte de la canción se escucha sólo el canto de la mujer y no hay música de al fondo. Su voz de cantar está muy bien proyectada.
Me gusta mucho la canción porque es muy pegajosa y tiene un buen sonido. Me gusta el mensaje de la canción porque es muy positivo y contacta a las personas juntas. Yo no tengo una conexión personal o histórica con la canción pero mi familia emigró a los Estados Unidos por la mayor parte de las mismas razones que la gente del sur de los Estados Unidos están emigrando aquí, más oportunidades. También mi familia no emigró aquí desde el sur de los Estados Unidos. Mi familia emigró a los Estados Unidos en los siglos 19 y 20. Mi familia en su mayoría emigró aquí desde de Europa del Este. La familia de parte de mi padre es de Hungría. La familia de mi abuela de parte de padre es de Austria y Polonia. La familia de mi abuelo de parte de madre es de Alemania y Hungría. La familia de mi abuela de parte de madre es lo que solía ser la URSS y ahora es Ucrania. Estoy de acuerdo con el mensaje de mi canción. Para mi estoy muy a favor de las personas que se agrupan por un buen propósito. Yo apoyo la inmigración porque me gusta aprender sobre las personas diferentes y hacer nuevos amigos de las culturas diferentes. Me gusta mucho vivir en una comunidad que es diversa. Para mi las personas que están en contra de inmigración son hipócritas porque casi todas las familias de todas las personas que han emigrado a los Estados Unidos en algún momento o otro fueron inmigrantes. Nuestro país no sería lo que es hoy en día sin inmigrantes. Estoy de acuerdo con el mensaje en la canción porque nuestro país necesita a los inmigrantes y es una gran razón por la cual nuestro país es un gran lugar.
Pensar de Germantown (Tulpehocken St. y Wayne Ave.)
Vivo en la ciudad de Filadelfia. Mi barrio es Germantown. Me gusta mi comunidad. Yo he vivido en Germantown por 18 años. Germantown y Mt.Airy son muy similares. Me gusta Germantown y Mt.Airy porque son unos barrios diversos y tengo una comunidad de las personas que le gusta a mi familia. Mis padres están divorciados aunque ellos viven en Germantown/Mt.Airy todo el tiempo, que hablar mucho de mi barrio. Me gusta vivir en una ciudad porque tengo muchas oportunidades, y muchas actividades. Unos temas importantes para mi comunidad son fuertes, amables, diversos, e interesantes. Mi barrio tiene mucha historia. Bill Cosby, George Washington, Connie Mack, Bernard Hopkins viven en mi barrio. Un evento significativo en mi barrio es la Guerra de Germantown cuál es una parte de la Revolución de los Estados Unidos. Mi mural va a estar ubicado en una pared cerca de la estación del tren Tulpehocken. La pared está en un paso subterráneo que conecta los dos trenes en la estación.
El arte es una forma creativa de expresarse uno mismo. El arte es muy colorido y diverso. Me gusta el arte que cuenta la historia de un barrio. Mi madre y mi padrastro dos son artistas profesionales. Mi madre hace los murales con mosaicos de cerámica. Mi padrastro es un trabajador de muebles. Yo no tengo apreciación por las artes gráficas con la excepción de unas películas. Me gusta unas formas de arte público. Mi opinión de grafiti suelen fluctuar. Me gusta unas formas de grafiti pero no me gusta grafiti cuando esta ubicado en algún lugar donde no está supuesto a estar. Grafiti es arte cuando hace que un espacio público mirar mejor y cuando no interrumpe algo importante. Tagging y grafiti son diferentes. Tagging no está bien cuando es vandalismo en una propiedad lo hace ver feo. Por lo general el grafiti es vandalismo, aunque se ve muy bonito. Para mi, para que algo sea arte tiene que tener color y ser creativo. El papel de arte público es una oportunidad de ganar un nuevo auditorio.
El propósito de mi mural es mandar un mensaje de algo social. Yo estoy motivado porque es un problema que ha herido a muchas personas. Mi obra de arte no tenía unas imágenes, soló un consejo y un mensaje. Una palabra que yo quiero usar en mi mural es "pensar", qué significa pensar en tus acciones. Pienso que es un buen mensaje porque unas personas hacen cosas por impulso mientras otras personas hacen cosas sin pensar y tienen repercusiones negativas. En mi obra de arte tengo la letra “P” en la forma del logo de los Phillies. Esta es una manera de pagar homenaje de la ciudad de Filadelfia. No hay una razón específica porque lo escogí esta palabra para mi obra de arte, sólo creo que es un buen consejo. El resto de el mensaje es escribir en la grafiti forma de blockbuster y tag.
Mi mural cumple el papel de arte público porque es un mensaje y es hecho con colores diferentes. Me gusta mi mural porque el mensaje es un buen consejo, y algo más personas deben hacer más seguido. Yo soy feliz de que mi mural es una forma para expresar consejos coloridas y mi mural es un tag son únicos, y originales. Yo también estoy feliz porque mi mural incluye el logo de mi equipo favorito, los Phillies y también tiene un mensaje útil.
Mi pared
Esto es un buen lugar para poner un mural porque tiene tráfico de pie. El lugar es en un estación de tren en Germantown.
Isaac Adlowitz Food Project
Matzo Ball Soup
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 1/2 quarts of cold water
packet of Manischewitz Matzo ball mix
1. In a small bowl beat 2 eggs with the 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
2. add content of packet and stir with fork until properly mixed.
3. Place bowl in fridge for 15 mins.
4. In a 4 quart pot, boil 2&1/2 quarts of water and 2 teaspoons of salt
5. wet your hands and mold the mix into balls approx. 1 inch in diameter.
6. drop balls into boiling water, cover, and reduce heat to a simmer for 20 mins.
7. add them to boiling chicken broth with carrots, onion, salt, and pepper.
Mike and I decided to make Matzoball soup because we are both Jewish and matzo ball soup is considered a staple for meals during important Jewish holidays (most notably Passover). We decided to make the soup for many other reasons. One of them was because of the recent frigid temperatures, and we felt like soup was something that is always great for warming people up. We also felt as though it was fairly healthy compared to other food that is typically associated with American Jews (latkes, kishka, brisket, jelly donuts, etc). According to Mike 25% of the ingredients were processed. We made 4 servings worth of chicken broth, and 4.5 servings of matzo balls. All together that is 245 calories, 6620mg of sodium, 58g carbohydrate, 4g sugar, 4.5g protein. Assuming that the servings are to be split among 10 people, it is 24.5 calories per person, 662mg sodium per person, 5.8g carbohydrates per person, .4g sugar per person, and .45g protein per person. It contains almost no sugar and is low in calories, but it contains a lot of sodium. The ingredients are fairly local. Mike found that the broth came from Pittsburgh, the matzo ball mix came from Newark, and that the eggs were local. So low carbon footprint for making this matzo ball soup in Philadelphia. The total price for ingredients was $6.80. It also didn't take long to prepare (40-50 mins).
In this unit I have learned about the different ways in which the food that is sold in this and other countries is made. I learned about how the food is not made with all the natural ingredients we assume they're made with, and instead are made with chemicals and other things to keep them preserved or to produce them in a less expensive way. I learned that the "Western diet" is the name of the diet that people say most Americans are on where they consume processed foods, and a lot of meat. My role in the larger food system is as a consumer. I consume all sorts of food, that are part of many different food groups. The biggest problems with our food system is that the food is made with all these chemicals, and are engineered in a way where they look more appealing but may provide less nutrition for the consumer. We also consume a lot of starches, sodium, and non natural sugars. One big change I could make to my food choices would be to make a point to eat more fruit, and drink water as my default. I could also cut out soda, fatty foods, fried foods, and processed foods. If I ate more fruit I would have more energy. If I cut out soda, fatty foods, fried foods, and processed foods I would have more energy, I would lose weight and I would start to make even smarter food decisions. I'm willing to make some of these changes. I'm trying to cut down on soda, and not over eat. I am also trying to consume more produce but it can be an expensive habit if I don't take it from home.
Benito Juarez
Pancho Villa
Esto es una oda a el honorable Pancho Villa
fuerte, carismático, revolucionario
Cuando yo te veo pienso en tu cabecilla habilidad, tu determinación, tu compromiso
Me haces reflexionar en lo que es ser líder.
Tú, un revolucionario, un héroe, un buen político.
Marca de Isaac
Germantown by Jonathan Laidacker
Cosas Yo Cambiaría
Sí pudiera vivir nuvamente mi vida,
Yo haría tomaría las cosas más en serio.
Yo haría más optimista para me.
Yo sería más aventurero.
Iría al gimnasio tres veces de la semana.
Yo jugaría más baloncesto.
Yo miraría Breaking Bad.
Dormiría más horas.Comería desayunar cada día.
Estudiaría más, procrastinaría menos.
Compraría más regalos para los miembros de mi familia.
Aunque, es difícil para cambiaría.
E4 U1 El Fanático de Filly
Isaac Aaron Adlowitz: inscrito en el registro civil de Filadelfia el 27 de noviembre de 1995. El origen de mi nombre viene después de Yitzhak Rabin. Mis padres se divorciaron cuando tenía cuatro años. Mí madre es una artista y mí padre es un trabajador independiente. Me encanta jugar y ver el béisbol. También me encanta cocinar y comer.
Yo soy blanco americano, y masculino. Yo no soy alto, pero no soy corto tampoco. Yo no soy gordo, y no soy flaco tampoco. Tengo el pelo corto de marrón oscuro. Yo tengo ojos cafés. Me gusta sonreír porque hace otros personas feliz. Tengo usado gafas durante seis meses. Me gusta llevar camisetas, suéteres, y camisas con cuello. También me gusta llevar vaqueros y zapatos de Nike y zapatos de Jordan. No me gusta llevar sombreros porque me encanta mi pelo. Mis compañeros dicen que yo soy amable, gracioso, único, y extraño. Mi familia dice que yo soy bobo, simpático, gracioso, molesto, y inteligente. Mis amigos dicen que yo soy bobo, gracioso, optimista, simpático, y leal.
Yo vivo con mi padre la mitad del tiempo, y con mi madre y mi padrastro la otra mitad del tiempo. Mis padres y yo nos llevamos muy bien. Yo quiero a mi madre porque ella es muy simpática, amable, y por otras razones también. Yo quiero a mi padre porque el es gracioso, inteligente, y por otras razones también. Yo tengo una hermanastra. Mi hermanastra y yo también nos llevamos muy bien. Mi mejor amigo Josh y yo, somos mejores amigos desde preescolar. Mi amigo va una universidad en Worcester, Massachusetts ahora mismo. Yo extraño mucho a mi amigo. Josh es muy inteligente, simpático, generoso, gracioso, y amable. Mi mejor amigo es interesante y puede hablar de deportes, política, películas, música, y mucho más. En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo tenemos una buena relación. Me cae bien el Sr.Sánchez porque me encanta la historia, y él y yo hablamos de la comida y los deportes. Me cae bien el Sr. Baird porque él es muy gracioso y interesante. Me cae bien la Srta. Rami porque ella es muy simpática y permisiva. Me cae bien el Sr. Reddy también porque el es muy organizado y sarcástico. Las clases de matemáticas y ciencias en generales son difíciles para mi. Sin embargo, las clases de español, historia, y ingles en generales no son difíciles, pero tampoco son fáciles. Me gustan las clases de español, historia, y inglés mucho.
Yo soy judío y agnóstico. Me preocupo por los demás y sus opiniones. Estoy una combinación de seguro y inseguro. Me gustan las personas inteligentes y graciosas. Me siento feliz cuando yo como, veo mis amigos, y veo el béisbol. Me gusta cocinar, comer, explorar la cuidad, ver la televisión, ver películas, jugar videojuegos, hablar con mis amigos y mi familia, y jugar deportes. Béisbol es mi deporte favorito. He estado jugando béisbol desde cuando tenía seis años. Yo juego béisbol de la escuela y de mi barrio. Los ''Phillies'' de Filadelfia son mi equipo favorito. Es difícil decir quién es mi jugador favorito. Me molesto cuando la gente no tiene un sentido de humor y escribe mi nombre como "Issac". Me interesan los deportes, la comida y la historia. En el futuro (el año que viene), quisiera ir a la universidad y estudiar relaciones internacionales o ciencia política. También estoy pensando en tomar clases de negocios. Mis universidades favoritos son la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison, la Universidad de Pennsylvania, Americano Universidad, Washington Universidad en St. Louis, Universidad de Temple, Universidad de Tulane, la Universidad de George Mason, o la Universidad Estado de San Diego. Sueño con trabajar en una oficina de un equipo de béisbol profesional o trabajar para una embajada en un país extranjero.
Yo soy un hombre de muchos intereses. Tengo muchas cualidades de las cuales me siento orgulloso. Mi máscara es similar a el Fanático de Philly. El Fanático de Philly es la mascota de los ''Phillies'' de Filadelfia. El Fanático de Philly es bobo, orgulloso, verde y grande. Me gusta mucho el Fanático de Philly.
E4 U1 El Fanático de Filly
Yo soy blanco americano, y masculino. Yo no soy alto, pero no soy corto tampoco. Yo no soy gordo, y no soy flaco tampoco. Tengo el pelo corto de marrón oscuro. Yo tengo ojos cafés. Me gusta sonreír porque hace otros personas feliz. Tengo usado gafas durante seis meses. Me gusta llevar camisetas, suéteres, y camisas con cuello. También me gusta llevar vaqueros y zapatos de Nike y zapatos de Jordan. No me gusta llevar sombreros porque me encanta mi pelo. Mis compañeros dicen que yo soy amable, gracioso, único, y extraño. Mi familia dice que yo soy bobo, simpático, gracioso, molesto, y inteligente. Mis amigos dicen que yo soy bobo, gracioso, optimista, simpático, y leal.
Yo vivo con mi padre la mitad del tiempo, y con mi madre y mi padrastro la otra mitad del tiempo. Mis padres y yo nos llevamos muy bien. Yo quiero a mi madre porque ella es muy simpática, amable, y por otras razones también. Yo quiero a mi padre porque el es gracioso, inteligente, y por otras razones también. Yo tengo una hermanastra. Mi hermanastra y yo también nos llevamos muy bien. Mi mejor amigo Josh y yo, somos mejores amigos desde preescolar. Mi amigo va una universidad en Worcester, Massachusetts ahora mismo. Yo extraño mucho a mi amigo. Josh es muy inteligente, simpático, generoso, gracioso, y amable. Mi mejor amigo es interesante y puede hablar de deportes, política, películas, música, y mucho más. En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo tenemos una buena relación. Me cae bien el Sr.Sánchez porque me encanta la historia, y él y yo hablamos de la comida y los deportes. Me cae bien el Sr. Baird porque él es muy gracioso y interesante. Me cae bien la Srta. Rami porque ella es muy simpática y permisiva. Me cae bien el Sr. Reddy también porque el es muy organizado y sarcástico. Las clases de matemáticas y ciencias en generales son difíciles para mi. Sin embargo, las clases de español, historia, y ingles en generales no son difíciles, pero tampoco son fáciles. Me gustan las clases de español, historia, y inglés mucho.
Yo soy judío y agnóstico. Me preocupo por los demás y sus opiniones. Estoy una combinación de seguro y inseguro. Me gustan las personas inteligentes y graciosas. Me siento feliz cuando yo como, veo mis amigos, y veo el béisbol. Me gusta cocinar, comer, explorar la cuidad, ver la televisión, ver películas, jugar videojuegos, hablar con mis amigos y mi familia, y jugar deportes. Béisbol es mi deporte favorito. He estado jugando béisbol desde cuando tenía seis años. Yo juego béisbol de la escuela y de mi barrio. Los ''Phillies'' de Filadelfia son mi equipo favorito. Es difícil decir quién es mi jugador favorito. Me molesto cuando la gente no tiene un sentido de humor y escribe mi nombre como "Issac". Me interesan los deportes, la comida y la historia. En el futuro (el año que viene), quisiera ir a la universidad y estudiar relaciones internacionales o ciencia política. También estoy pensando en tomar clases de negocios. Mis universidades favoritos son la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison, la Universidad de Pennsylvania, Americano Universidad, Washington Universidad en St. Louis, Universidad de Temple, Universidad de Tulane, la Universidad de George Mason, o la Universidad Estado de San Diego. Sueño con trabajar en una oficina de un equipo de béisbol profesional o trabajar para una embajada en un país extranjero.
Yo soy un hombre de muchos intereses. Tengo muchas cualidades de las cuales me siento orgulloso. Mi máscara es similar a el Fanático de Philly. El Fanático de Philly es la mascota de los ''Phillies'' de Filadelfia. El Fanático de Philly es bobo, orgulloso, verde y grande. Me gusta mucho el Fanático de Philly.
Journal 10/21
Diario 5
Adlowitz Diario 4
Diario 3
En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo tengo un buen relación. Me cae bien el Sr. Sanchez porque me encanta historia y, él y yo hablan de la comida y los deportes. Me cae bien el Sr. Baird porque él es muy gracioso y interesante. Me cae bien la Srta. Rami porque ella es muy simpática y permisiva. Me cae bien el Sr.Reddy también porque el es muy organizado y sarcástico. Las clases de matemáticas y ciencias en generales son difíciles para mi. Al contrario las clases de español, historia, y ingles en generales no son difíciles, pero no son fáciles. Me gustan las clases de español, historia, y ingles mucho.
Isaac y Claudia Diario Video
Español 4
Yo soy mucho emocionado de aprender más Español en la clase de Español 4. Yo soy emocionado de estar inmerso en español mientras en esta clase.
-IsaacJhonas Dunakin, Isaac Adlowitz, Kyler Jones, Martez Card PSA
Isaac Adlowitz Hamlet Close Reading and Analysis
Act 2, Scene 2
Shakespeare has often been known to have the characters in his plays perform soliloquies in the middle of talking to another character. Soliloquies are often looked at as thinking out loud. They often help the audience or reader know a little better about the thought process of the character, and what might occur next in the play. Soliloquies are looked at as a form of narration. They often show a two-faced nature to many of the characters. One example could be from Hamlet in act 2 scene 2. Polonius has initiated a conversation with Hamlet as soon as he runs into him. Polonius is trying to talk to Hamlet because Hamlet has feelings for Polonius’ daughter Ophelia. Polonius doesn’t want Ophelia to talk to Hamlet because Polonius believes Hamlet is a womanizer and a bit of a brat, and would prefer for his only daughter to be with someone different. Polonius approaches Hamlet and tries very hard to connect with him, but at that moment Hamlet is acting particularly difficult towards him. Polonius is a little annoyed at Hamlet’s attitude, but has kept his annoyance bottled up inside of him.
“How say you by that? Still harping on my daughter. Yet he knew me not at first. He said I was a fishmonger. He is far gone, far gone. And truly in my youth I suffered much extremity for love, very near this. I’ll speak to him again.” (2-2) Lines 204-209
This quote from Hamlet is a soliloquy of Polonius’ where he describes his feelings about Hamlet’s behavior. Polonius at this moment believes Hamlet is acting this way because he feels dismayed that Ophelia has basically avoided him. What Polonius doesn’t know is that Hamlet is acting this way not exclusively because of that. Hamlet in this point in time has a lot on his plate. He has recently discovered that the King of Denmark murdered his father, and he found out all of this information from the ghost of his father. This quote also shows how Polonius at first is really not happy that Hamlet called him a “fishmonger”, while at the same time he has been bothering his daughter, when suddenly he realizes when he was around the same age as Hamlet he might have acted similarly in a situation involving a girl he liked. So as a result of his revelation he becomes more sympathetic towards Hamlet and decides to keep talking to him.
Directly after the soliloquy Polonius asks Hamlet what he has been reading in an effort to try and connect with him, and see if they might have any similar interests. This is followed by Hamlet saying he reads many words. A response of that sort leads one to think that the person who said that really has no interest in speaking to that person or they love to act like a smart alec. Polonius after a few more words are exchanged asks Hamlet have a serious talk with him. Hamlet shuts his request down completely. Leading Polonius to realize that this might not have been the best time to speak with Hamlet.
“His answers are so full of meaning sometimes! He has a way with words, as crazy people often do, and that sane people don’t have a talent for. I’ll leave him now and arrange a meeting between him and my daughter. “ (2-2) Lines 226-232
This is also a soliloquy of Polonius’ and he is talking about how Hamlet has a lot to say. He is saying that he believes Hamlet is crazy as a result of having lots to say. Though as a result of talking to Hamlet he must have thought the craziness was as a result of Hamlet’s love for Ophelia, and not for any other reason, so he decides it might be alright if Ophelia meets with Hamlet again. After his soliloquy Polonius says a very polite goodbye to Hamlet, and as Polonius leaves Hamlet mutters to himself about how boring people who are older are.
Isaac Adlowitz Citizenship Election HW
Both files are the same video, just one is .flv the other is .m4v
Isaac Adlowitz Q1EnglishBenchmark: Article about Moneyball, and the Oakland Athletics of Past and Present
Isaac Adlowitz Project Reflection
What surprised me most was that immigrants from Scandinavia moved to the Midwest because it had an abundance of farmland.
What seemed most obvious to me was the allure of moving to the United States for Mexican immigrants in today's society.
In the next two decades I think that U.S. will have even more immigrants from Central and South America. So many that Spanish could become the most spoken language. I also think that a lot of Indian and Chinese immigrants will move here because they have populations of over one billion.
To visually show our information we decided to make an intuitive keynote. It has thorough description that show people the information with clear wording.
Group work wasn't very challenging especially because my group was very well put together in my opinion. I think the most difficult part was them having to put up with me not being able to work on the project on Tuesday and most of Wednesday due to a religious obligation.
Next time I would want to work on this for a longer period of time because this stuff is very interesting to me but I felt as though the process was very abrupt.
Yo soy Isaac
AdlowitzQ4Intravista Podcast
Adlowitz Reflection
The Q3 Benchmark was to make a guide of the city like pick out a restaurant, a few places to go, and events that only happen in Philadelphia. We also had to show the person reading what we wrote how to do something in the city. My group taught people how to ride different forms of transportation while I taught the reader how to order a cheesesteak the Philadelphia way. My group and I decided to choose different places to visit, different events to focus on, and different foods traditional to our city.
I learned a little bit more about Philadelphia, I learned how to describe some of my city in
Spanish, I also learned that I know more than I think about Philadelphia.
I feel like my final product is very good and has a lot of unique components to it. I feel like I provided good examples of things unique about Philadelphia and they were highlighted throughout mine and my group member parts of the project.
If I could do it over again I would've wanted to show people some of my favorite restaurants around the city to get certain foods and stuff. I would've also wrote more about the Sports Complex and how much I love going to all different types of sporting events there. I think I would've kept my event and places the same but I would've added more restaurants.
Owning A Business
Crossing boundaries to me is challenging the status quo or typical social norms. My parents demonstrate challenging the status quo by having jobs that are not by any means normal, not doing a job that they feel will pay them the most money, and by putting a lot at risk having those jobs. Some could argue that they're challenging it by loving their job because many people throughout the world hate their jobs. The interview experience was very smooth. My parents gave terrific answers to my questions and it was helpful. I learned about the steps both of them took towards where they are today. With this project at first I was really nervous because I had never used Garage Band or any other type of audio editing software. I personally hating using garage band, but thought I learned a new valuable skill. It frustrated me deeply at first with editing because I was so uncertain and very unorganized. I think that we could've used a one class tutorial on how to use Garage Band because it took me awhile to adjust.
Daily Routine
This assignment taught me how to describe my daily routine. It helped me learn some key things. It helped me learn how to say helpful things like brush your teeth, sleep, get dressed, and much more. I enjoyed learning those types of words more in depth because they could come in very hand y while in a Spanish speaking environment.
I learned that my routines are some what different depending on which house I stay at, even though I didn't specify which house I do certain things at in my project. I learned as I mentioned before ways of telling people what I do on a daily basis that could in handy if I'm in a spanish speaking environment. These will be very useful in communication. I used Inquiry to research words and verbs in dictionaries. I used research throughout my inquiry by using people and dictionaries as sources. I used collaboration by peer editing other people's PASOS, and by having other people edit mine. I used presentation by making my video to show that I can pronounce the words correctly and by showing people what I have learned. And reflection is what I am currently doing. I would separate it into weekdays and weekends and by which parent's house I am at. My daily routine changes depending on which house I am at, and what day it is. In my project I tried to incorporate some of what I do at both of my parent's houses.
Ten Years Younger
throughout my life people have told me that I’m very well spoken. I take it as
a compliment. Even though most of the people telling me that are friends of my parents,
who say stuff like,
you’ve grown so much since the last time I’ve seen you.”
you’ve gotten so much taller since last time.”
think of myself as being pretty impressionable and easily influenced. If I see
someone that I look up to doing something, I tend to mimic their actions because
I look up to them and want to do things similarly to them. I think that both
what I’ve been told and what I’ve assumed go hand in hand for me. I think it is
because I tend to spend a lot of time around people who have wide vocabularies
and are very articulate. According to my mom I’ve been that way from a very
young age.
heard the phone ringing. I was only four years old and I loved answering the
could it be?” I thought to myself. “Is it for me? Is it about me?”
picked up the phone.
am I speaking with um Karen?” the man behind the phone asked.
this is her son, I’ll put her on.” “MOMMMM! Someone is on the phone calling for
thank you, Isaac.”
walk into the other room to hand my mom the phone. My mom put the phone to her ear.
No thank you, bye!” said my mom as she violently hung up the phone.
was that?” I asked.
it was just some annoying person trying to sell me something.”
kept wondering why my mom would be angry with someone for calling and trying to
sell her something? It didn’t seem so horrible to me.
were you so angry with the person calling?” I asked.
on a list called the “Do not call list” and I get really annoyed when those
people continue to call me when I’m on a list that states I don’t want to hear
from them.”
Finding out that my mom didn’t like when
people called our phone trying to sell something to her gave me something new
to look out for while being at home.
few days later I was sitting at home one night with my mom. The phone rang. I
jumped up to go answer it.
is this Karen?”
“No, it’s her son.”
okay my name is…”
you her friend or are you just trying to sell her something?” I asked.
heard laughter come from the other end of the line.
no, no I’m her friend. It’s her friend Susan.”
okay. She’s here. I’ll go get her.”
handed my mom the phone. I listened to what she was saying just in case the
caller had tricked me.
Oh hi Susan.” My mom said.
of a sudden she started to laugh.
really said that? No, no, no. He is only four years old.”
few minutes later my mom got off the phone with her friend.
interrupted her mid sentence.
was that mommy? What were you…?”
mom interrupted me.
is a new friend of mine.”
okay. What were you laughing at?”
she thought you were a teenager because of the way you answered the phone.”
did I sound like a teenager? I thought to my self. Is that supposed to be a
good thing or… I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Was my voice deeper than the average
four year old? Did I have a wide vocabulary? I had no idea what could have led
my mom’s friend to jump to that conclusion, but I guess I took it as a
did she think I sounded like a teenager?”
don’t know but I heard you ask if she was either my friend or trying to sell me
something so I guess it might’ve been the manner in which you talked to her.”
could asking such a simple sounding question make people think I’m more grown
up than I actually am? On the outside I felt overjoyed and excited but on the
inside I wasn’t sure how to feel. It surprised the heck out of me that someone just, would
assume that I was a teenager all because of a few things that I said.
that, I never really had thought about how people’s ways of speaking can tell
other people a story about them and their identity. James Baldwin who wrote the essay If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is? Wrote,
“Language, incontestably, reveals, the
speaker. Language also, far more dubiously, is meant to define the other- and,
in this case, the other is refusing to be defined by a language that has never
been able to recognize him.”
quote is relevant to my story because it says that language can reveal a lot
about a speaker. Since the person
had not ever met me or heard me speak, she couldn’t have known how old I was. Yet
she thought I was much older. This occurrence really made me think about how
powerful language can be. I guess now that I am sixteen years and in fact a teenager;
maybe my language on the phone makes people assume that I am twenty-six. I’d
love to find out how I can use it to my advantage, but I have no idea how that
could occur.
Isaac Adlowitz Español Video
Yo llevé la sudadera rojo Aeropostale, los vaqueros Levi’s, y los zapatos de rayas Adidas. La ropa es muy cómoda y templada.
The Man Behind The Dish
Strike one.
Next pitch, I put down four
fingers telling him to throw the change. I really wanted to fool the hitter
here. Pitch was right on the inside corner. I remember the loud yell from the
“Strrrrike Twooo!”
I looked over at the batter.
He was kind of shot and pretty skinny. I knew he was one of his team’s fastest players.
He could hit too according the scouting report all though he was in a slump
during the series. I looked over at their base runners, then back at the
The ballpark was silent. I
put down two fingers signaling for him to throw his breaking ball. He wound up,
with the season on the line. Nervous fans were on their feet, one strike away. The
atmosphere was electric. The pitch was on its way. It was coming in at about 74
mph, yet it felt like it was coming towards me slower.
The ball curved sharply
downward into the dirt. The ump called it low and outside. I had to leave the
crouch to block the ball. I looked the base runner back to third.
One ball, and two strikes
was the count on the batter. I threw down one finger for the fastball once
again. I just wanted the kid to throw a strike so maybe we could get a
groundball or something.
“Come on kid.” I kept
The pitch came in. It was a ball
way inside. The batter did an overly dramatic jump out of the box, to show the
ump how inside it was.
Two balls, two strikes on
the hitter. Opposing fans started getting a little bit more rowdy. I wasn’t sure what I wanted him to
throw. I ended up putting down two fingers yet again, signaling another
breaking ball. My heart was pumping a mile a minute. The pitch crossed the
plate. The hitter checked his swing.
It was a full count and I couldn’t
believe the ump called that just outside.
I ask the ump for time. I
could sense the nervousness in the kid. I ran out to the mound, our Skipper
right behind me.
Skipper was asking us “What
do you feel comfortable throwing him right now?”
The kid told him he thought
his fastball or changeup could work. It was also a shock to hear him talk
because he had such a thick Dominican accent. Skipper looked over at me for my point
of view. I told him that I liked the changeup in this situation. The hitter had
to be expecting the heat with a full count, so why not give him the slow stuff
to fool him. The ump ran out behind us. He told us to finish up our meeting.
Everyone went back to their
positions. I threw down my four fingers, which told him to throw the changeup.
He went into the stretch. The runners took off.
The pitch was a hard hit
grounder, towards the shortstop. The runner sprinted out of the batter’s box
there was almost no chance to get him at first. I knew the throw was coming
towards me. I touched the plate with my foot, knowing that there was a force at
any base.
I heard people on both sides
yelling, “Home, home, throw it home.”
It all came down to this. The
runner was barreling towards me. I was so scared yet so focused on what would
be the outcome of the play. He stuck his head down toward my chest. The ball
was almost in my glove. As the ball hit my glove, I felt as if a freight train had
just hit me. I fell back, as the runner fell forward. The wind was beyond
knocked out of me. I heard the ump yell something, but the call just blurred
out. And then the rest just blacked out. I don’t know how many hours have
passed by since all this. I’m really anxious. Can you please tell me what
3. I learned how to conjugate better in the past tense and about other people's summers.
4. I feel like I understood it really well from the get go. I feel like I moved forward a lot more once I sat down with my step dad to find pictures from previous summers.
5. I would look for more pictures of past summers and use a lot more descriptions.
6. I enjoyed this project a lot. It helped me learn something I wasn't very good at (past tense conjugations) and it felt like a good, and laid back way to help me learn spanish.
Why I Write
I write because it is a peaceful yet powerful way of expressing myself. I write because I have to write in order to pass in school. I write because I enjoy it, and the satisfaction it gives me to write something I feel strongly about. I write because there are somethings that shouldn't be spoken. I write because it can give other people joy.
Writing can do many things for not just you but for other people too.
It can change an opinion, it can give people ideas, it can guide them to the next step, it can do a lot of very beneficial things for our minds and bodies.
Writing is significant because it can be traced back.
Without people writing we would never know some famous stories or learned about some incredible events. Writing can give you the big picture, the the background information, and the little details in between. Writing can tell people the story of their family, their religion, their history. Writing can turn into anything. You can turn it into a song, or a poem. Writing above all is a core to our society.
Adlowitz Personal Experience Essay
It was a
Saturday afternoon. I had been at the swimming pool all day. I was there with
my mom, my stepsister, my aunt, and my cousin. I rode home from the pool with my aunt and cousin. My mom and
stepsister had left earlier. As we arrived at my house, I saw two cop cars. I
could tell something strange was happening.
As I nervously
made my way into my house, I saw my mom talking to an officer. He was holding a
clipboard and a writing utensil. I
felt refreshed from swimming yet I couldn’t help sweating anxiously. The
officer was asking my mom questions. I wasn’t sure what happened because my mom
looked so calm. I walked into my
living room and saw that a window was broken. I noticed two guys looking for
fingerprints around the window. I looked around the room. It looked the same
except that the floor behind our couch was covered in broken glass.
I remember
telling a cop that this really shook me hard. “It’s a violation. That’s a perfectly
normal feeling to have,” the cop said to me. I was nervous but I thought to
myself, we have an alarm system, so hopefully the burglar or burglars hadn’t
taken much. I hoped that none of my personal belongings were taken.
The officers
recommended that we remain down stairs until they could search the 2nd
and 3rd floors of our house. I wanted to go upstairs because I was
anxious to let out my frustrations by playing some videogames. The officers
didn’t find very much in their search. They reviewed the final police report
with my mom and gave us a number to reach them at if we had any thing else to
report stolen or if we had any additional questions or concerns.
As they left, I
took a deep breath to reassure myself that everything was going to be okay. I hugged
my mom tightly and then went to pour myself something to drink. I walked up to
the second floor to play some video games on my PS2. When I got upstairs, I
looked down at my TV stand. To my horror my PS2 wasn’t in its normal spot. I
realized it had been stolen.
my PS2 made the robbery feel a lot more real to me. It wasn’t all about the PS2;
it was more the violation of having something taken from inside my house-of all
the places on the earth, the place I should feel the safest.
I may sound like I feel the world should
revolve around me. But when something you loved is gone, all you want is to
have it back in your possession. I felt so paranoid after the robbery. It was
crazy how something can change your life just out of nowhere. I didn’t ever want to leave my house. I
found myself avoiding public transportation and walking places by myself. I
slept with a baseball bat next to me every night.
parents were really worried about me. They put me in therapy for a few
sessions. Therapy helped a little bit. It made me realize that it could’ve been
a lot worse, and that people take risks everyday.
risks we take are vast. They can include driving in a car to get somewhere, or
leaving your house unattended for the day. Anything can happen whenever and
wherever. You can never predict the exact outcome of what is going to happen,
but in life you need to be able to move on, regardless of what has been thrown
at you.
to the robbery, a lot of bad ended up turning into some good. I saved up some
money and my mom helped me buy a PlayStation 3. I also started to take more
precautions to prevent future incidents.
I ended up learning a lot from it all. I
learned more than anything else that taking risks is a large part of everyday
life. When I think about them as risks, then I feel like I’m going crazy. The
thought of the robbery haunted me worse than the actual robbery. I learned that
I have a choice about letting things get to me. If I don’t worry about possible
crimes, they don’t seem bother me at all. And this is true in many situations,
not just the robbery.
Isaac Adlowitz and Merrik Saunders Spanish Benchmark
¡Hola! |
Hello |
¡Buenos dias! |
Good morning! |
¡Buenas tardes! |
Good afternoon! |
¡Buenas noches! |
Good evening! |
¿Que tal? |
How are you? / What’s up? |
¿Como estas? (tu) |
How are you? |
¿ Como esta? (Ud) |
How are you? |
¿Que pasa? |
What’s happening? |
When you first greet someone you would say “¡Hola!”
to make them feel welcome. When you wake up in the morning and then see your
mom would say “¡Buenos dias!” to wish her a good morning. If you meet
up with your friend in the middle of the day you can say “¡Buenas tardes!”
to wish them a good afternoon. When you’re about to go to sleep you can say “¡Buenas
noches!” to wish the people around you a good night. When someone wants
to sit down and talk with you, you can say ¿Que tal?” to see what’s up.
When you’re speaking to your grandparents to see how they’re doing say “¿Como
esta?” to see how they are. When your talking to your little sister
and you want to see how she is say “¿Como estas?” to see what
she is up to. When your confused
about what is going on you can say “¿Que pasa?” to find out what
you didn’t get.
Gracias |
Thank you. |
Muchas gracias |
Thanks a lot |
Mil gracias |
Thanks a million |
De nada |
It’s nothing |
Por nada |
You’re welcome |
No hay de qué |
You’re welcome |
¿Como? |
What was that? (If you didn't understand what someone
said.) |
Por favor |
Please |
Con permiso. (When someone’s standing in your way) |
Excuse me. |
Disculpe (to get someone’s attention) |
Excuse me. |
Perdon (if you accidently bump into someone) |
Excuse me. |
Los meses del año |
Months of the year |
enero |
January |
febrero |
February |
marzo |
March |
abril |
April |
mayo |
May |
junio |
June |
julio |
July |
agosto |
August |
septiembre |
September |
octubre |
October |
noviembre |
November |
deciembre |
December |
What month is Martin Luther King Day celebrated in? A: Enero
What month is Valentines Day celebrated in? A: febrero
What month is Pi day celebrated in? A: marzo
What month is April fools day celebrated in? A: abril
What month is Mothers day celebrated in? A: mayo
What month is Fathers day celebrated in? A: junio
What month is Independence Day celebrated in? A: julio
What month doesn’t have any major holidays celebrated? A:
What month is Labor Day celebrated in? A: septiembre
What month is Halloween celebrated in? A: octubre
What month is Thanksgiving celebrated in? A: noviembre
What month is Christmas celebrated in? A: deciembre