Why I Write

​Why do I write? 

I write because it is a peaceful yet powerful way of expressing myself. I write because I have to write in order to pass in school. I write because I enjoy it, and the satisfaction it gives me to write something I feel strongly about. I write because there are somethings that shouldn't be spoken. I write because it can give other people joy. 

Writing can do many things for not just you but for other people too. 

It can change an opinion, it can give people ideas, it can guide them to the next step, it can do a lot of very beneficial things for our minds and bodies. 

Writing is significant because it can be traced back. 

Without people writing we would never know some famous stories or learned about some incredible events. Writing can give you the big picture, the the background information, and the little details in between. Writing can tell people the story of their family, their religion, their history. Writing can turn into anything. You can turn it into a song, or a poem. Writing above all is a core to our society. 
