Isaac Adlowitz Project Reflection

What surprised me most was that immigrants from Scandinavia moved to the Midwest because it had an abundance of farmland. 

What seemed most obvious to me was the allure of moving to the United States for Mexican immigrants in today's society. 

In the next two decades I think that U.S. will have even more immigrants from Central and South America. So many that Spanish could become the most spoken language. I also think that a lot of Indian and Chinese immigrants will move here because they have populations of over one billion. 

To visually show our information we decided to make an intuitive keynote. It has thorough description that show people the information with clear wording.  

Group work wasn't very challenging especially because my group was very well put together in my opinion. I think the most difficult part was them having to put up with me not being able to work on the project on Tuesday and most of Wednesday due to a religious obligation.

Next time I would want to work on this for a longer period of time because this stuff is very interesting to me but I felt as though the process was very abrupt. 
