J.Hinton, Q-1 History Benchmark Reflection
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How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
We wanted to focus on something serious that would make people get out to vote. An easy way to get the voter ratings to increase. So, we came to the conclusion that making voting mandatory, that would drastically increase the percentage of voters.
11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change?
I think that the role of the individual, is to stick to what they believe in. The individual should continue to do what they think/know is right without being influenced by others. They should also have a positive influence on others in their community, and those around them.
How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
When we first started the unit, there was so much to take in. When we started the benchmark, we all jumped to the conclusion that mandatory voting would be beneficial to the voting. However, after doing the election day interviews, it made me realize that even though mandatory might help the voting percentage increase, it is against people's constitutional rights, and many aren't comfortable with it.
How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
We wanted it to be straight forward. We also wanted to make sure that we were able to clearly get our point across. So, for both of our creative pieces we had bright colors and a big font size.
How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
We wanted to focus on something serious that would make people get out to vote. An easy way to get the voter ratings to increase. So, we came to the conclusion that making voting mandatory, that would drastically increase the percentage of voters.
11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change?
I think that the role of the individual, is to stick to what they believe in. The individual should continue to do what they think/know is right without being influenced by others. They should also have a positive influence on others in their community, and those around them.
How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
When we first started the unit, there was so much to take in. When we started the benchmark, we all jumped to the conclusion that mandatory voting would be beneficial to the voting. However, after doing the election day interviews, it made me realize that even though mandatory might help the voting percentage increase, it is against people's constitutional rights, and many aren't comfortable with it.
How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
We wanted it to be straight forward. We also wanted to make sure that we were able to clearly get our point across. So, for both of our creative pieces we had bright colors and a big font size.
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