J.Pullins, Blog Post #2, The Films of Spain

Screen Shot 2012-05-02 at 8.30.39 AM
Screen Shot 2012-05-02 at 8.30.39 AM
My conversations continued on the topic of the films of Spain. I received a new partner, because when I tried to get in touch with my previous partner, I was thoroughly ignored.

Here, you can see that not only do we keep the conversation in Spanish the entire time, but I also try to delve into my topic, which was the film culture. My partner, who's a college student in Spain, told me that he and his friends try to go to movie theaters as often as possible, as they use films and the culture as a momentary escape from reality.

I was highly intrigued by his statement, and I thought it was a highly interesting analysis.

Comments (3)

Matthew Ferry (Student 2013)
Matthew Ferry

Very interesting conversation. It doesn't seem like the rest of the conversation's there, as I see a very small piece of your icon at the end of the screenshot. Did he say there were any genre of film that he likes particularly, or that is shown often in theaters?

Terrance Oliveri-Wiliams (Student 2013)
Terrance Oliveri-Wiliams

I guess when you think about it further, movies do give you a chance to escape reality, but before, I mainly just appreciated films because they were entertaining. Now, I know why I think movies are so entertaining, even if a film were a little farfetched.