Jackie Middleswarth - Media Fluency


I made the slide look the way it does which is a light blue because blue is my favorite color and it’s happy. I’m generally a happy person, so it reflects on me as a person. The text color is a darker blue so it compliments the lighter blue, and looks nice, although, I made the text, “Music,” red so it gets people’s attention. The red contrasts from the blue to make it pop. Music is very important in my life, and it’s one of my favorite hobbies. I listen to music everyday and it makes me feel better and more content with myself. The picture of me and my friends represents that I’m a goofy person most of the time and I love being surrounded by my friends and people I care about. It bleeds of the page so the text is easily read and the picture is clear to see. Also, the picture of the Nike soccer ball is present in the slide because Nike is my favorite sports brand, and soccer is my favorite sport. It also represents I like sports in general. The quotes, "All you need is love," basically describes how I see life. If you have love in your life, whether it being loving your family or friends, you'll be happy.

What influenced me to make my decision about my slide is putting what is most important to me and what I enjoy the most. I love spending my time playing sports, and hanging with friends. Listening to music daily is also important to me. As for the colors and text, I chose what was easy on the eyes, and what I would personally like if I were to see the slide.
In all, the way the slide is presented is what I thought the audience would like and what represented me.
this is me
I made the changed on my slide the way I did because the previous slide didn't really go together. The quote was small and was really too much on the eyes. It's color also didn't go with the pictures, same as the word, "Music." My slide now, I made MUSIC the focus and made sure it matched the same black as the picture. My current slide has one picture that way there isn't too much going on. My previous slide had two pictures and one of the pictures didn't go with the theme. I made sure this slide was memorable and didn't have too many words.
This is me

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