Jamie Turner Capstone
My capstone from the start was going to be a Dodgeball tournament. My partner and I had high aspirations for the tournament and when the time came it didn't work out. We went through all of the motions of hosting the tournament for months and worked really hard on it. It was very disappointing when it didn't work out. Once we realized the tournament wasn't going to happen, there wasn't much time to try and host a different type of event. Serge and I decided to do our own seperate projects/ activities so we wouldn't be limited by one another. Instead of sitting around and doing nothing I decided to use my time wisely. On Wednesday afternoons I would go to my mom's classroom at Dobson Elementary School and provide 1 on 1 help with her fifth grade class. For the most part I helped them in math but I provided help in english as well. Here are my resources for planning the Dodgeball tournament and a few pictures of the class and myself working together. Working on the Dodgeball tournament was my main process and working with the fifth graders at Dobson was just a little extra bit I tried to get done.
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