Jerron Crawford Capstone

For my capstone I created an open space for people to talk about about their mental health and for them to talk to and uplift people not having the best time this was done via two ways one way was a instagram page and another is by a google form which was practically a mental health check up which included the question of including words of affirmation which were put on mini tv’s and put around the school. On top of that I raised money from a bake sale that I ran to donate money to a mental health organization called mental health America. I learned to think outside the box when coming to reaching out to people that deal with people with mental illness or people that suffer from mental illness itself. I have seen a very repetitive take when it comes to connecting people like this and when researching pages that work the best for me I took a more creative approach that glorified unity and art to spread the message.

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Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 10.08.33 AM
