Jesse Stevens Capstone
“Asking Probing Interview questions:Simply adapt to your subject”. Student Filmmaking(beta). Web. 03 Feb 2017.
For my Capstone I plan on interviewing different people within the For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation. I want to have a good idea of the type of questions that I want to ask so that the interview will go smoothly. The website was created for documentary type questions which is something I can use to format my questions. The questions listed on the website covered the basic who, what, when, where and why but gave more in depth general questions that I can change and adapt to fit what I am talking about.
Every, Marissa. Personal Interview. Feb 7 2017.
She is a part of the staff at FPS and is also my mentor for my entire Capstone. I want to know how she got involved with For Pete Sake and how it changed her life. This interview gives a much needed view into the world of someone that works for an organization such as this one and why they are a good thing for the community and cancer patients alike.
For Pete Sake Respite Foundation web team. “Take a Break from Cancer”.For Pete Sake Respite Foundation. Web. 31 Jan. 2017.
This website basically has the bulk of my actual Capstone. This is the official website for FPS and is where one can find all of their informations whether it be about the people who work there, the travelers or the events that they have set up throughout the year. This is where I sign up to help out at the different events and eventually donate the money that I have made from Bake sales to their 7th annual Citizens bank park arena walk. N.p., 12 Mar. 2015. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.
For the same reason as the first source This gave me the much needed advice that I need to make the interviews that I conduct that much better. The 10 tips range from the type of questions, The behavioral conduct require to have a successful interview and the actual video compositions to make the interview appealing while at the same time keeping the focus on the interviewee. I plan to revisit this right before I do the interviews so that I can have these tips fresh in my mind while I set up and for my interviews.
Schankweiler, Marci. Personal Interview. Feb 7. 2017
This interview will take place at the February monthly travelers lunch brunch. She is the founder of For Pete’s Sake and it would be an amazing opportunity to interview her and get to know more about it’s history and how she feels about it moving forward as it continues to grow and become larger. I also would like to know her own personal account with Cancer and how she has dealt with that.
Sr. Stevens, Jesse. Personal Interview. Feb 4.2017
As the husband of someone who has survived cancer I would like to hear his view on the entire thing and find out how he really felt about the whole ordeal. I wanted to hear the point of view of someone that didn’t directly have cancer but had someone that close and that important have it.
Hearing his outlook gives depth to my capstone by covering all of views on cancer and cancer foundations.
Stevens, Kim. Personal Interview. Feb 4. 2017
It was important to get a view of someone that has actually survived cancer. She was also selected 5 years ago to be apart of the FPS travelers program so I get to see the recipient side of things. She even continues to help out and volunteer at the different FPS events because the vacations she was sent on affected her that much. So I want to really be able to show and relay that message.
Tammaro, Alisa. Personal Interview. jan 23. 2017
She is in charge of all of the volunteers and events that FPS have and interviewing means that I now have insight on the actual livelihood of For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation. Getting to know about the volunteers and how each event is carefully set up shows the thoughtfulness and careful planning that goes into each and every event, which is a lot. I also got to learn about her personal attachment to FPS and why she does what she does.
The American Cancer Society medical and editorial content team "Chemo Brain ." 16 May 16. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.
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