Jessica Hinton Marking Period 4
The art project's for this quarter weren't as bad as the previous ones. I feel that I was a little bit more engaged in these pieces of art. I took my time, and made sure that each one was completed and looked the way I wanted them to. However, I feel that there were a few art pieces that I wish I would have spent more time on. I enjoyed doing the sculpture, because I took my time to make these flowers look like actual flowers, and I was learning a new skill while doing so. I enjoyed copying a piece of art by an artist, because I think I really impressed myself with how diligent I was with making my drawing look like the original drawing. I wasn't really fond of doing the bike drawings, because there were many parts of the bike, that should be included in the drawing, but were difficult to draw. If I was to improve on anything this quarter, I would perfect my pieces of art. Sometimes I feel that what I consider "complete", may not exactly be completed.
Duct Tape Flowers

(Side View)

(Top View)
1. (Before)


2. (Before)


3. (Before)



Original By: Alex Katz

My Drawing:

Duct Tape Flowers
(Side View)
(Top View)
Edit Photos
1. (Before)
2. (Before)
3. (Before)
Copy a piece of art work by a famous artist
Original By: Alex Katz
My Drawing:
Draw the Bike three times (Sorry for bad quality pics)
1. all line
2. just shading
3. just negative space
Draw from observation OUTSIDE
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