Jessica Hinton Marking Period Two
For this marking period, we were allowed to pick the project we wanted to do. I didn't really know what I wanted to do. It was either photography, or do some drawing. After a lot of thinking, I decided that I wanted to draw the Eiffel Tower.
I drew the Eiffel Tower last year, as one of my brainstorms for the periodic table assignment, but I didn't use that one for my element picture. So, I thought that this time, I would try it again. I liked the one I did last year, but I wanted this one to look different than that. My plan was to have this one set at nighttime, with the stars in the background. I had a lot of inspiration for this project. I think that Paris is a really beautiful place. I've had a picture of the Eiffel Tower that I fixed up in picnik as my desktop picture for a long time. So, I used that, and other pictures I found to help me. I also used to help me.
I have not yet finished this. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would to do the sketch. Once I finished that, I had to get the canvas, and then draw it on there. So, now all I need to do is paint the canvas.
In sketchbook

On canvas:

I drew the Eiffel Tower last year, as one of my brainstorms for the periodic table assignment, but I didn't use that one for my element picture. So, I thought that this time, I would try it again. I liked the one I did last year, but I wanted this one to look different than that. My plan was to have this one set at nighttime, with the stars in the background. I had a lot of inspiration for this project. I think that Paris is a really beautiful place. I've had a picture of the Eiffel Tower that I fixed up in picnik as my desktop picture for a long time. So, I used that, and other pictures I found to help me. I also used to help me.
I have not yet finished this. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would to do the sketch. Once I finished that, I had to get the canvas, and then draw it on there. So, now all I need to do is paint the canvas.
In sketchbook
On canvas:
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