Jiwon Choi- Final Perspective Drawing
Something I learned while doing this drawing was how to draw objects without any guide from someone. I learned how to draw something just by looking at the original picture and making an exact replica of it. By learning how to draw objects without a guide but with just a picture of it, I know that I can draw real objects in life without having problem with it. In fact, my skill of drawing a real object will increase now. The resource that helped me the most to draw this was the website’s steps on how to start it and our art teacher’s (Mrs.Hull) advices. She told
Even though I believe that my skills increased in drawing, my drawing of this room was not perfect. If I had a chance to do this assignment again, I would make the center square with the vanishing point a little bit larger, and put the light that is on the ceiling in the center. My advice to someone who has never drawn a one point drawing is telling them to imagine how that object might look like if you were above, side, or below it and make the drawing. If one imagines it in this type of way, one can know how to make the drawing a little bit more realistic.
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