Joey Wood Benchmark

Comments (6)

Annisa Ahmed (Student 2013)
Annisa Ahmed

I thoroughly enjoyed this project. Giving a backdrop on how steroids completely altered the outcome of a particular match was thrilling to read and seeing that laws were only implemented much later on from the point from when drugs first started being used seems odd. Why didn't the boards finally recognize them in the late decades of the last century? In any case, I wished there was more, but what is offered is still nice.

Pauline Garcia (Student 2013)
Pauline Garcia

Good job Joe! This is a really nice website :) Not just because of the format but aso because of the content! You were so informative and creative. Apart from the grammatical error and some misspellings, your article is really great :)

Kimberly Parker (Student 2013)
Kimberly Parker

I really liked this website. The layout was nice but I feel like you can do more. Like for the competition, I think you can make the layout stand out more and defiantly use another article. More pictures and more examples would also enhance this project. Maybe talk more about the effects of these steroids and drugs on the sports industry as a whole. Overall, this is a great foundation, alls you need to do is enhance it!

Rebecca Fenton (Student 2013)
Rebecca Fenton

I really enjoyed reading your articles and going through your project. i enjoyed that you had an informative intro so that you weren't just throwing three articles. I also liked the way it was set up, it looked really professional and it wasn't hard to read at all. Good work. :)

Jordan McLaughlin (Student 2013)
Jordan McLaughlin

This project was really good and think that it has the potential with the topic to possibly go to the final rounds if improved upon and work on how to present. The content is rich and can teach many people about what happens in sports.

Chelsea Smith (Student 2013)
Chelsea Smith

When I first opened the link I thought he was going to be a boring website from the first page and the way it looks, but as I looked through the website I found it very informative as well as having a lot of good stuff in it. For example the video, if you were going to enter the contest I think you could make this better by adding more information maybe even another article.