Jonathan Vilchis-Salas Capstone

Hello! For my capstone, I created youtube videos of me working on my truck so that I can teach my community skills that can be very helpful to them. I made videos on how to remove your wheel and how to change your oil. Since all of us are old enough to drive and own cars it is our responsibility to be able to take care of our vehicles. I made this happen with the starting help of my mentor who gave me ideas for potential videos that I could film. After I had some finalized ideas I gathered all materials and tools that I was going to need and made sure to prepare myself. With my Father as the cameraman, he would record every step I made so that after all recording was done the editing process would go smoothly. I used WeVideo a website provided to us to edit my videos. The editing took a lot of work and time. After editing I posted my videos on my youtube channel for the public to see. Creating my capstone was a test to prove my knowledge and effort. I was only able to meet up with my Father once every Sunday to work on the recordings. I encounter a problem that made me scrap a video. I destroyed a nut from the wheel. I encounter problems that made this capstone harder than it needed to be but very worthwhile to overcome. I am very proud of what I created.

Process Paper  (1)
Copy of Capstone Bibliography

Link to the Youtube video:—xSbfQA4
