Josh's Music Blog #2

Well, for guitar, it's easy to understand how the sound is made, by hitting the strings of the guitar, you transfer energy and the strings vibrate to make specific pitches depending on the string played and the fret held down. To change the pitch, you have to use the frets, each fret down, starting from the top, changes the pitch by one half-step, so the first fret on an E string would give you an F note, and the second would give you an F sharp. The most important physical characteristic of a guitar is the hole in the body that lets the sound actually come off of the guitar. I'll be using wood, of course, and probably nails to help me make the little things that tune the strings, and I'm not sure of what to do for the frets. I'm going to be playing it with my fingers, as I think a pick is more or less unnecessary. I really just wanna know what I have to turn in when it's due.
