Julia's Q3 BM: Mali v Chad
Click the picture above for the link to my benchmark. The countries I compared are Mali and Chad. I did research with key words that fit with the 5 point framework and collected articles and blogs that provided decent information. Then I put the scores into Prezi and made a video of my analysis. It was challenging because I had never used Prezi before.
When I had to decide what numbers to give the countries, I found myself torn about exactly what number to give. However, the fact that I judged both countries in the same framework, the numbers seem pretty fair to me. But to someone else, the numbers may seem out of whack. The framework itself seems to cover all of the things that could make a country collapse. The benchmark description also helped make it more straightforward.
Originally, I wanted to make a product similar to Kim Bush's. However, I wanted to make mine more interactive and I am happy that I branched out and tried Prezi. I wish I made my project more visually appealing: more pictures and video in the Prezi itself. Now that I have the experience with Prezi, I could do that more confidently. My other idea that I wanted to try was to make a game show with the two countries. But with my computer having issues and the fact that a video is not interactive, I am glad I stuck with my idea.
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