Kate Kopf // Capstone
That’s exactly how I imagine people listening to my final project - walking through my neighborhood, each house and episode holding a new story. I’ve learned a lot through this year in both technical aspects (editing audio, sharing podcasts, recording) and in storytelling (asking questions, casual interviewing, forming a narrative) but the lessons from my interviewees have been by far the most meaningful. I truly believe that each and every listener can benefit from what my neighborhood has to share. My short series covers ordinary people of my community but their lives and life advice are truly extraordinary. Each episode examines everything from The American Dream to the LGBTQ+ film industry and the monumental life lessons we can learn from it all. I’m Kate Kopf. Welcome to my Stomping Ground.
Podcast Available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Overcast, and Linked Below.
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