Keith Hodge Q1 Senior Art Slideshow

I felt very proud of myself with every piece of art I did. The first piece of art I did was the fall wall hanging and that was pretty cool looking because it featured the flyers logo,Philly skyline, retired numbers and Ed Snider looking down at the sky line also it the best part was that I was able to hang it up and the whole class and SLA community can see it for years to come. The second piece of art I did was the fall wall hanging, This one looked awesome too because the fall time reminds me of the simpsons treehouse of horrors special, so I have them on their couch and they are surrounded by the characters in the past treehouse episodes. The 3rd piece of art was the self portrait of me I think I did pretty good for my first drawing of myself. The last piece of art is the water color art and I think it was good as well because it featured a lot of cool fruits. So overall I felt very proud of every piece I completed.
