Keystone Pipeline monologues


The Keystone Pipeline is a surprisingly unknown current event that is threatening to change the oil industry in the U.S and Canada. This change in industry can be construed in many different lights due to the many different forces that are trying to shift the tides of it’s fate. On the more conservative side you will find people arguing that this oil pipeline will be the necessary boost to job generation that the U.S needs, limiting our dependencies on our oil supply from non allied countries. However, like any project that impacts the environment, there are swathes of citizens (both American and Canadian) who are opposing and appealing this project, trying to hold Obama to his word about trying to find more carbon friendly energy options. This oil pipeline would be transporting crude (unrefined) oil from canadian “tar sands” down through the middle of the United states to the gulf of mexico. Since so much of the project relies on the cooperation of the U.S. the final decision is left to the president, what he chooses to do with this choice is at the forefront of many peoples’ minds as the deadline for this pipeline looms nearer.

Part Two

1. The keystone pipeline will only create temporary unsustainable jobs.

2. The oil the pipeline transports is just has crude as other imported oil.

3. Obama has been chosen to make the final decision about the continuation of the pipeline.

4. The pipeline will cross over hundreds of water sources through the u.s.

5. The pipeline will limit our dependencies on oil from our supposed "enemies" in middle eastern countries.

Part Three

“ok” - august polite

Ok, yeah I have to go now,

yes... Ok this is the end this conversation

Oh my god, goodbye

yeah, ugh,




no, i’m not hungry; I mean, like, I already ate

yeah, I didn’t know when you would be back.

I know you had interviews, it’s ok, are there any new things that have opened up?

yeah, sorry I know

I am gonna go do homework or something...

yeah or something

[music starts playing loudly]



[music volume lowers and gets muffled]

what? No, I’m fine I just hate being patronized by this retarded school

Oh my god, I know! Ok, I don’t mean ‘retarded’ I’m just mad ok; because, I mean look at this, am I in fucking first grade?

Ok, I’m sorry, yeah

Well you look at this, look at this

No I don’t wanna move; all of my friends are here and every other school is terrible

I wish I could go to one of those schools out in the suburbs

I imagine that they actually learn stuff

yeah, ok, ok, ok, ok, I know that dad. Shit is expensive

Well did you find anything new?


I want to know, do you think I deserve to know?

cause I kind of want to know ok? I mean you said we could go on vacation


ok, well I don’t even really care what you do

a month? Really? I doubt that so much, you want me to believe that that thing will be ready to give anyone who lines up a well paying job.

so the freaking canadians are just gonna march down here are set up shop and we will be all set?

forever? you want me to be proud of you for finding this piece of crap ‘opportunity’?

I’m just mad

yeah I’m ok

I’m fine

that doesn’t really sound all that good for the environment

I said that I don’t think it will be good for the environment

and you are the one telling me to turn off the lights every freaking minute

to save like half a watt of power

I don’t know! Well if you get paid I guess it’s better than nothing

well I’m sorry ok?

yeah I’m ok

I’m ok


“cough” - August Polite



Hey dude


hey yeah, what time is it?

damn it’s like midnight why are you even awake?


I don’t know

yo, I asked first!

yeah oh that sucks man

bro I hate to break it to you but your dad is kind of an ass


you’re welcome

but no! You have have to tell him not to work there man

haven’t you been friends with me for like 5 years?

yeah and the pipeline is no freaking worse


dude, guess what


it’s hilarious! my dad is locked up for, like, the next few days

man calm down, it’s no big deal

of course he was at the protest, he is like a huge hippie

no, I’m actually kind of proud of him

he usually just f’s around all day

no she’s probably just passed out upstairs

yeah she got so drunk I doubt she gives a shit


yeah, yeah ditch that guy

come see one these protests though, it’s some pretty inspiring junk


yeah! And it’s happening right here! You’re gonna be missing out!

yeah I nearly got arrested at the last one, it was epic

ah, whatever it’s the same thing dude

you’re such a f-

oh let me have my fun

sorry yeah I’m just tired

ok yeah

but I’m serious, do you even know what this pipeline thing is all about?

it’s some messed up stuff

they are just taking this dirty freaking oil out of the earth

no, but this is different

this is, it’s like, dirtier

than normal



head home if you're so worried about it

I’m just gonna chill here and think about



I don’t know



“yes?” - august polite

wow that’s very interesting


oh yes

well actually I do have a son

yes, we get along quite well

oh wow isn’t that something...

yes 14, it’s a tricky age


well right to business,

ok great,

so as you probably know jobs here have been quite... difficult to come by

and, having the experience that I do, architectural design, some contracting,

I thought that it might be nice if you thought about using some of the past employees

including myself

to work with the canadian company on managing their oil route

through the city


yes, that’s right

well I just thought

since I have the experience and


yes sir


that’s great

well I can assure you that choosing me for this job, if it were to become available, would be the right choice

yes, and to reiterate, I think that my knowledge of the area could benefit th-



so hopefully I will be hearing from you shortly?

well, oh, ok

so maybe I might hear from you over the next few months?


next year?

that ... sounds great

I really appreciate what you are doing -

might do

for us

thanks again


thank you for your time


