Keystone XL Pipeline Monologue Project
This project is about creating a monologue on whether should the Keystone Pipeline should be built or should it not be built. We have to choose three characters or made up character that talks about the keystone pipeline. The keystone pipeline is a pipe that travel from Canada to Texas. We gather quotes from websites and videos to support our monologues. During class, we had a class discussion on what mades a monologue strong.
For an example:
- Setting
- Object
- Tone of voice
- Staying in character
- ETC.
I did my monologues basic on three type of characters that are involve in this Keystone Pipeline. One of my character agree with the Keystone Pipeline. The other one disagree on the Keystone pipeline and the last one is deciding whether he should disagree or agree. When we finalize our project, we have to created a video for one of our monologue. From this project, I learn that this Keystone Pipeline should not be built because it is damaging thousands of people home. Also, it will increased health problems from breathing unhealthy air. Health problem can lead to budge. Budge can lead to thousands of people forming together to takes down the Keystone Pipeline. Another way of saying this is when they build the Keystone Pipeline, more people are going to try to take down the keystone pipeline and when they take it back down it's a waste of 7 billions dollars.
- Causes Health Problems
- Creates more jobs
- Reliable energy
- Create more Co2 for the earth which can damage the environment even
- It's dirty
- Leaks and damage can happen to the pipeline
- Clean water supply could decreases
"Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. N.p., 22 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Keystone XL Pipeline Project." Keystone XL Pipeline Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Occupy & Crash Boehner's Office over Backroom Attempt to Revive Keystone XL." Tar Sands Action. N.p., 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
This project is about creating a monologue on whether should the Keystone Pipeline should be built or should it not be built. We have to choose three characters or made up character that talks about the keystone pipeline. The keystone pipeline is a pipe that travel from Canada to Texas. We gather quotes from websites and videos to support our monologues. During class, we had a class discussion on what mades a monologue strong.
For an example:
- Setting
- Object
- Tone of voice
- Staying in character
- ETC.
I did my monologues basic on three type of characters that are involve in this Keystone Pipeline. One of my character agree with the Keystone Pipeline. The other one disagree on the Keystone pipeline and the last one is deciding whether he should disagree or agree. When we finalize our project, we have to created a video for one of our monologue. From this project, I learn that this Keystone Pipeline should not be built because it is damaging thousands of people home. Also, it will increased health problems from breathing unhealthy air. Health problem can lead to budge. Budge can lead to thousands of people forming together to takes down the Keystone Pipeline. Another way of saying this is when they build the Keystone Pipeline, more people are going to try to take down the keystone pipeline and when they take it back down it's a waste of 7 billions dollars.
Monologue 1 (Bill Mckibben)
(Holding a mic)
If you can hear me.
I’m outside the white house.
Do you see me?
You hear this sound.
You can tell how much we want this pipeline destroy
It’s not just me
It’s US
Look us in the eye
And tell us that you will not let them build this pipeline.
You can make a change to the earth!
A pipeline that travel from Canada to Texas.
I pretty sure that no one want to breath this toxic air.
You want to die.
The rise in the ocean will beginning to slow and the planet will begin to heal.
I want snow again.
I don’t want to suffer the rest of my life in a hot environment.
Wait wait wait.
I think I miss the part when they discussed the Arctic is melting.
If you can hear me in this mic!
Let the earth heal!
I won’t stop until you stop this.
I believe in you.
I will continue to vote for you.
So help us
We are not going to let Mitt Romney to become president.
We need you.
So help us and we will continue to believe in you.
This pipeline is damaging people’s home.
Even the chemistry of’ seawater is steadily becoming more acidic, as the ocean absorb carbon from the atmosphere.
Poor earth.
I can hear the animals howling for help.
Help us and we will help you.
Monologue 2 (Transcanada “Corey Goulet”)
This seat is comfortable.
Too bad this desk is too big.
I have been staring at Bill Mckibben twitter for hours.
Complaining and Complaining.
Just shut up.
Not trying to be mean
We need oil.
We can’t away rely on Mexico.
In the last decade,
Their oil had fallen to 600 thousand barrel
Our pipeline is safe.
We will make sure that it is built correctly.
So why don’t you just back up.
And let us build this pipeline.
It’s that simple.
It’s cheap.
And a reliable energy.
Saying no to this brilliant idea.
Must mean you are stupid.
Did you see our record Bill Mckibben?.
It was stated that.
Transcanada claim that it’s building the safest pipeline ever
And plus.
Why are you so concern?
If there is a leak.
Our system will stop this immediately before it reach the water.
Or should I say.
Before a drop of oil met the water.
That’s why I said.
(click, click) (computer mouse)
Here is another complain.
You know what.
Keep on complaining.
It’s ain’t going to stop us.
Let me just say that.
Let us build this pipeline.
And let everyone be happy
Monologue 3 (Federal Government (employ in state department))
(On the phone)
I’m Busy right now.
I have a meeting to attend in 2 hours
maybe, next time?
(Clicking the mouse)
(took a deep breathe)
The budget is not getting any better
What am I'm going to do?
This pipeline sure do sound a lot of money.
I mean like.
You already know that we are in debt.
7 billions dollars!
This hell lots of money
on the other side….
it does help us too.
SO think about this.
If we do build this.
Then this mean that our oil will becoming cheaper.
I play over 50 dollar a week just going to work and back from work
Save me so budge!
there is
lots of them
Like the pipe will leak and causes damage
and that’s another thousand
or maybe
millions of dollar
to fixes again
Why can't we be rich?
Thanks to bush!
We are in some much debate.
What is today date again?
it's october!!
Next month is the election of the new president.
Bring me so water please!
And get these data done!
No buts or its
I don't care.
I don't give a dam and leave me the hell alone.
This pipeline had destroy my life!
What should I do.
BUilt it or….
don't build it…
Build it..
don't build it.
I don't even know!!!
(On the phone)
who is this?
This is Mitt Romney. Sir,
I would like you to approve this proposal and allow us to build this pipeline from Canada to Texas
(Hanging up the phone)
(Drink the water)
Dam, Mitt Romney give me some SPACE!
Do I want to approve this method?
do I?
- Causes Health Problems
- Creates more jobs
- Reliable energy
- Create more Co2 for the earth which can damage the environment even
- It's dirty
- Leaks and damage can happen to the pipeline
- Clean water supply could decreases
"Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. N.p., 22 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Keystone XL Pipeline Project." Keystone XL Pipeline Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Occupy & Crash Boehner's Office over Backroom Attempt to Revive Keystone XL." Tar Sands Action. N.p., 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
Click here to watch my video for monologue 3.
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