Kid Sits On Chair

New Recording 5

Kid sits on a chair

Ugh! Not again! Every day these smelly, big, ugly teenagers sit on me. Why? I have seen it all, children have farted, peed, and thrown up on me. I just wish I was unused, thrown away, like so many others before me. (Child drags chair across the room.) Please God make it stop! I cannot take more of this, I am disrespected in every way. I bet these kids would not like it if I dragged them across the floor. I swear if one of these kids steps on me, with their shoe I am gonna break myself. I look now at my legs - the way they have been dirtied, and scratched, I wish I was new again, back to the where people were fighting over having me to sit on. Now people try and avoid me, but they cannot. I am here, I will always be here in this damned place. Sitting in this one room for kids to use and abuse me. (School bell rings.) Finally! These kids are leaving, I think it’s lunch and no kids come into the classroom at lunch. I have this whole hour to be by myself. (Door opens and a heavy kid walks in.) Please don’t pick me please don’t. (Child sits on chair and breaks it.) Why me? I’m old and weak! I cannot hold this child for much longer. My legs are breaking, oh please get up! Please, please, please, please, please! Now this beast of a human is sweating, he knows he broke me. (Child picks up chair and starts carrying it outside) At least I am going to my final resting place. Now no more kids are going to be sitting on me, making me smell bad. (Kid sits chair down outside and starts to cry.) He’s crying? I am the one who’s in pain though. Well, he did break me, I guess, he is embarrassed. He didn’t break me that bad (a couple second pause)  I guess. I wish this kid could hear me, maybe I can try to fix myself, he can still sit on me. Damn, I feel bad now. Hey Kid if you can hear me stop crying! It is okay you will grow up and change. Just believe you can be healthy and you will be. Don’t let these kids get you down, most of  them smell bad anyway. Things will get better (pause) I have seen it happen. You are young with no worries please kid (sigh), please believe me!

Comments (6)

Tajnia Hussain (Student 2018)
Tajnia Hussain

Haha! I liked how you explained how the chair is feeling with it's senses which is a really good aspect when writing. The thing that stuck to me is how the chair always complains on how he feels and then wants to comfort the kid.

Taytiana Velazquez-Rivera (Student 2018)
Taytiana Velazquez-Rivera

I can connect how sometimes you complain but dont see the bigger picture outside your life. I liked how he changed his attitude. The best part for me was when he said "Hey Kid if you can hear me stop crying! It is okay you will grow up and change. Just believe you can be healthy and you will be. Don’t let these kids get you down, most of them smell bad anyway. Things will get better (pause) I have seen it happen. You are young with no worries please kid (sigh), please believe me!" That had me like awweeee!

J'Lynn Matthews (Student 2018)
J'Lynn Matthews

Awe *wipes tear. This monologue really came through. At first I thought it was just a chair complaining about its “life”, but the plot started to change. One moment that will stick with me from this monologue would be when the chair realized the boy was crying. I think it was cool that the chair developed feelings and started feeling sympathetic for the child. I aslo like how the monologue slowly became about the child.

Menduyarka Dennis (Student 2018)
Menduyarka Dennis

This is a super nice story to write about. I really like it. It has more of a funny aspect to it, which is great! But it really makes me not want to sit on chairs anymore.

Connecting with a chair? There are moments when you have to realize that you don't like things as much as you thought you did. And when they do happen, you flip out. Whether it's in your mind, or out loud.

I think the moment that was really eventful in this monologue was when the chair tried to console the big kid who sat on it and broke it a little. This part definitely shows character development for the chair.

Charles Velazquez (Student 2018)
Charles Velazquez

I think that it's pretty cool that you did the monologue in the perspective of chair. I can't relate to the character but I don't that I chair should be relatable. The moment that really stuck to me was the part when the chair tried to console the kid. I think that was the point when the chair realized that he has a job to do and he should do it right.

Kaamil Jones (Student 2018)
Kaamil Jones

This monologue was super funny. This made me think of items that we use and what if they actually had feelings. I wonder how this would play out on a stage.