Kofi Kohl Capstone

For my capstone, I knew from the beginning I really wanted to engage my creative side, a side of myself I haven’t gotten to use all that much at SLA outside of the Digital Video program. Pre-pandemic, I’d started conversations with students and teachers alike about starting a theater program, but when the pandemic hit it became clear that that wouldn’t likely be possible non-virtually. I ran through a couple of other ideas, none of which really piqued my interest, and then realized that maybe I ought to focus on things I’d been focusing on all along, photography and portfolio building. My first choice college was SCAD, and I could earn up to $5,500 in scholarships for a portfolio. As college can be quite expensive, optimizing financial aid and scholarships was (and is) very important. In short, my goal was to explore myself as a developing artist and a candid self-critic, and observe how those two parts of me can clash and/or work together. And to attain a bag (obviously). Website: https://kkohl214cdd.myportfolio.com/ Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cN9cTzgKTNto6y7QCBkF9DiVD-AxWPZZV1BfAz-v1Sg/edit?usp=sharing
