La dias de la Semana ( The days of the week )
Below is a list of the days of the week and how to ask what day it is. The Spanish word will be on the left and the English translation will be on the right.
(1) ¿Qué dia es hoy?.............................................................What day is today?
(2) Es lunes……………………………………………………… Its lunes .
(3) Es martes…………………………………………………….. Its Tuesday.
(4) Es meircoles….……………………………………………... Its Wednesday.
(5) Es jueves……………………………………………………,,.. Its Thursay.
(6) Es viernes……………………………………………………. Its Friday.
(7) Es sabado…………………………………………………… Its Saturday.
(8) Es domingo………………………………………………… Its Sunday.
· When writing the days of the week in Spanish, they are never capitalizedas the are in English.
· Notice that when what day of the week of asked, the word “hoy” should actually be pronounced as “oy”. Remember you drop the “h” sound.
· Also, on a Spanish calender , the week doesn’t start with Monday instead of Sunday.
Days of the week:
(Classroom, Dejah and Tina meet.)
T: ¡Hola, Dejah!
D: ¡Hola!
T: ¿Qué días es hoy?
D: Es lunes.
(The next day)
T: ¿Qué días es hoy?
D: Es martes.
(The next day)
T: ¿Qué días es hoy?
D: Es miércoles.
(The next day)
T: ¿Qué días es hoy?
D: Es jueves.
(The next day)
T: ¿Qué días es hoy?
D: Es viernes.
(The next day)
T: ¿Qué días es hoy?
D: Es sábado.
(The next day)
T: ¿Qué días es hoy?
D: Es domingo.
Dejah Harley and Tina Wang
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