Lexy Babcock; Selfies
I personally am a fan of selfies in some aspects. For one, you get to decide how you want to present yourself whether that be by getting the perfect light, picking your good side, hiding a flaw you're self-conscious about, or making sure to show off something. That may seem like lying and shallow, but that's why selfies are so popular. You get to capture yourself exactly how you'd like. In my first selfie, I'm with my godson in my living room wearing a Babcock Country Club shirt that my dad got everyone in the family. I think this photo is a perfect description of how I want people to see me, and how I portray myself. I love that baby with my whole heart and soul and I'm so proud to be a Babcock. That picture is home and represents what I love. My second "selfie" is a sketch of a Nikon with a sketch that I recreated from an actual selfie I took on my camera. I chose to draw me within the screen of a Nikon because photography has become a huge passion of mine. I want to be represented with it. I see the world through my viewfinder. The selfie I sketched is one from a recent trip to London, England. I love to travel and I think a picture of me making a dumbface in a selfie is another country pretty much sums me up. I'm silly and adventurous. I love that picture, and I will always remember that day. My last "selfie" is one of my brother and I. We were in one of our last days down Ocean City, Maryland. We go every year so this location has a lot of sentimental value and memories attached. I chose to include a "selfie" with my brother because he's my bestfriend and the fact that we have the same stupid facial expression captures how comfortable we are, and how we're basically the same person.
Overall, I like to take selfies that I'm going to be happy with later and that capture a moment that I want to remember with a person that means something to me. Selfies are less about sole photos of me, and more of my interactions with the people I care about in my life.
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