Lincoln freed the slaves?

Artistic Statement:

My visual is about Abraham Lincoln not really freeing the slaves. I believe that Abraham Lincoln always had the power to free them he just waited on it because that’s not what he really wanted. I think my visual will be unclear in the sense that most people think that he freed the slaves because that’s what they were taught. They have no real background knowledge of the situation so of course they will agree that Lincoln freed the slaves.

Lincoln’s main priority at the time was saving the union. He didn’t care about the slaves or whether they were free or not, he just didn’t want the union to fall apart. He freed the slaves to make a statement to the rest of the union that he was in charge. He says he was antislavery yet at the same time he never wanted blacks and whites to be equal.

My visual matters because for years people have thanked and praised Abraham Lincoln for freeing the slaves when really he just made things worse for them. People still treated blacks like they were slaves. They would be beaten or killed if they claimed they were free, there were no jobs for them so they had to keep working for their master. The only thing they really got was the title and yet they didn’t really have that either because they couldn’t say it without being hit. It took Lincoln 2 years to free the slaves when he could have freed the slaves a long time before that. And he didn’t because he didn’t want to. That’s why my visual is so important because it shows the other side of Lincoln.

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