Lit Log #1 Psycho
There is no doubt that “Psycho” is a psychological thriller. It even says it in the name. When looking at the original movie posters for this film, they usually showcase a bright font over a heavy black-and-white image of some iconic part in the movie- usually the shower scene. For my poster I thought it was best to not give anything away. And that is exactly why I choose Norman with his taxidermy owl. It foreshadows the creepy events that are showcased in this movie, without telling us what might happen. The image itself is intense enough to lure people into watching it. The quote and fonts just add more detail and description. As for the title, I wanted to go with something that was mentioned in the movie. I do think Psycho is very fitting, but as I watched this movie, the term did not seem to be used and I believe I could come up with something more relatable and creepy. I chose “The Mother in Me ” for many reasons. As the case of the murder is solved, the audience finds out about the psyscology aspect for Normans behavior. It is explained to Sam and Lila that Norman experienced trauma from his mother at a young age which causes him to act as a second identity in ways that resemble his mother, who is deceased. In today’s terms we would call this “multiple personality disorder”. Without this disorder, there would be no movie, soley why I wanted the title to relate to Norman’s disorder. As you look at the subtle details of this poster, you may notice the two shadows that fall behind Norman. The owl above him only has one shadow. I believe that Norman has two shadows because of his split personality and the ways in which he resembles his mother and himself, but wrapped in one body. Symbolism like this is always something that should be included in a movie poster. It is vital that the audience has some small sense of what is to come, especially if it is a thriller. This poster would be more appealing to the general public based on these small changes I made. There are very iconic characteristics that go into every classic horror poster. Including the large red font and intense image that sets the background. All of these details set up a clear direction for the viewers of this film and future viewers.
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