Lobbying Assignment #5 - Finalize

Lobbying Assignment #5 - Finalize 

For my final lobbying assignment I took the time to attempt at establishing communication between State Rep Ronald Waters and myself. I received the same response as before to where my request was being processed and because if the extensive amounts of emails to Mr. Waters delay was to be expected and it would take time from his office to reply on the emails. My first attempt was within either Lobbying assignment #3 or #4. Hopefully this attempt will close a line of communication between Mr. Waters and myself. 

Within the following two days time span of me sending an email to Rep. Waters communication directly with Mr. Waters office in Harrisburg and Philadelphia was also attempted. 

A message was left with one of his telephone office officials and other means of communication is underway. 

My progress will be updated on establishing a clear line of communication. 

After trying to establish a clear line of communication to someone in the Philadelphia field office of State Rep. Waters little to no progress has been made on their part. I called multiple times and due to high volumes of phone calls and emails I was placed on a list of those who will be contacted In the order at which they where received.

IN my first email i restated my objective and its purpose and once i called his office i stated briefly what my objective and purpose was again. I sent two emails and called his office twice with messages that followed after my failing attempts. 

If the office of State Rep. Ronald Waters attempts to contact me I will comply with my elegant contentions and discuses my lobbying issue in hope for change.  

David A. Buckholtz
