lobbying post #3
- What is the status of your issue at the legislature?
Pennsylvania cell phone/texting news: A ban on text messaging while driving has been approved by Gov. Tom Corbett and takes effect in early March
How many elected officials have indicated support for your issue?
Sen. Tommy Tomlinson, R-Bucks, Rep. Thomas Killion, State Rep. Josh Shapiro, Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland,
Is there public support behind it, with good media attention?
8 in 10 drivers support some type of cell phone usage restriction.
- The majority of respondents say they are supportive of laws restricting any type of cell phone use while driving.
- 80 percent respondents support a ban on text messaging while driving.
- 80 percent of respondents support a ban on e-mailing while driving.
- Two thirds (67 percent) of respondents say they are supportive of laws restricting phone calls while driving.
Who are your opponents, and how much power do they have?
While the National Transportation Safety Board thinks states should ban all driver use of cellphones and other portable electronic devices, except in emergencies, auto club AAA isn't fully backing that proposal.
Cell phone and texting laws
HAND-HELD CELLPHONES: Nine states, as well as Washington, D.C., and the Virgin Islands, prohibit all drivers from using handheld cell phones will driving. Except for Maryland, any officer may cite a driver for using a handheld cell phone without any other traffic offense taking place in the other eight states.
NOVICE DRIVERS: 30 states and Washington, D.C., ban all cell phone use by novice drivers.
SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS: Bus drivers in 19 states and Washington, D.C., may not use a cell phone when passengers are present.
TEXT MESSAGING: 35 states, Washington, D.C., and Guam ban text messaging for all drivers. In all but three of those states, officers may cite a driver for texting without any other traffice offense taking place.
S.D.: No laws specific to cell phone use or texting.
Sources: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, State Highway Safety Offices
4. Who can you influence? I can influence my house hold and the people who are around me that drive
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