Lost of Time
My concept is that we have so much time being trapped at home but once you start to think about it, you can’t recall what you’ve done. It’s like it never happened. I am a reflective person and when I can’t remember what I did today, then did today even happen? Everyone is in quarantine nowadays, so there is more time to reflect on yourself. It’s not something many people do on a day to day basis. Then there’s other things going on and it makes it even harder to focus on yourself but then we can’t block out everything and pretend it’s not happening. Sometimes it’s like we have nowhere to run. It feels as if this is never going to end. It’s been hard to constantly have a positive mindset being thrown into a situation like this. As a freshman, I lost my chance of making friends and walking into my school to meet all my kind teachers. I’m stuck with awkward zoom calls everyday with people that I never met before. I definitely know I’m not the only one that is going through this. I have a sister in senior year and she lost her homecoming. It was something she was looking forward to and I bet many others were too. We are all at loss. We can only go up from here. We all know social media has been a lifesaver during this crisis but it’s not always as helpful. Social media has definitely gone more toxic during this time period. We are all constantly breathing down each other’s throats trying to find some sort of drama or entertainment, and if there isn’t any, make some. For me personally, I have seen toxicity gone up and it has affected me. Teens of our generation rule social media. If someone is not as educated then that’s their problem but once they bring it to a platform and speak about false claims, it’s everyone’s problem now. It’s just if you engage or not. I wanted to write about our “loss” time because it’s not something people think about. I believe we can all be productive during this crisis in our own ways but sitting there isn’t going to help. Time is precious especially now. There is no going back so moving forward is the only path we have.
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