Love Note #112: Clark Park

Amanda Millatt
Favorite spot:  Clark Park
Neighborhood: University City
Address: 42nd Baltimore 

I am: A Philadelphia high school senior, and a runner, a volunteer and a aspiring doctor.
Years in Philly: 18
Current Home: University City

Dear Clark Park,

I do not like you. I do not like any of your local summer events that I greatly anticipate during the tedious winters. I do not like attending everyone of your monthly flee markets with my best friend. I defiantly do not like getting awesome novelty items such as an accordion or locally made jewelry for amazing prices. I do not enjoy watching the  free Shakespeare theatrical productions every year with my mother, which I want to add is well put together and humorous. I do not like snow days because I always have the best time going sledding down the massive hill at the bowl. I did not enjoy spending hours playing hiding-go-seek and giggling with my middle school friends. Most of all I dislike all the unforgettable memories that I had with you. I can not simply like you, I love everything about you. Thank you Clark Park for the best eight years of my life!

With love,

Comments (2)

Jessica Hinton (Student 2013)
Jessica Hinton

I honestly don't think I've ever been to Clark Park. After this little note, I'll have to make a trip there. This was a really cute letter, and you did well pointing out why you love Clark Park so much.