Luke W-S and Lukas S-A Blade runner x Usual suspects
Lukas S-A and Luke Watson-Sharer
In our final English benchmark ever at SLA, Lukas and I wanted to do something entirely original and creative. We decided to mashup the movie the usual suspects and the blade runner. We saw the blade runner in the class, a sci-fi film about detectives with the responsibility of eliminating replicants from society. The usual suspects is an entirely different film. The movie is a suspense film with a crazy twist on a con man. The films due to their obvious contrast and differences made it an interesting concept to mix.
The main character of the blade runner was Rick Deckard, he’s a blade runner in LA in the year 2019. The man is responsible for deactivating replicants and is considered to be the best at it, It’s an interesting character that I played(as any blade runner) because I adopt the desire to separate the replicants but also try to maintain order. Lukas plays infamous character Keyser Soze. A demented and devilish character who plays the victim originally to the detective. We wanted Lukas to get more aggressive and devious as the scene went on. He lightly said “I’m a nobody” and then continued to get aggressive saying “I ain’t no rat”. With both characters who are very goal driven it made their differences outside of that something to shed light on.
Once we figured out how we wanted to mash it with what movies we decided to throw it into the world that Rick Deckard lives in. In our film, Keyser Soze is a replicant who wishes to end humanity and bring a replicant revolution. It becomes the job of the unnamed new blade runners to end this. They have a few issues though. They don’t know what he looks like. Keyser Soze originally in the usual suspects is a no face criminal that sells dope and kills for fun. We adopted the stance that we don’t know what he looks like to add suspense.
The unprecedented and nearly inevitable replicant revolution caused two blade runners(played by me and my friend Cullan(not an SLA student)) had the goal and the job of stopping Soze by any means necessary. Soze who had sat beneath their nose is shown doing the same thing nearly that happened at the end of the usual suspects.
Our trailer is a play on the ending of the usual suspects. We chose this since it'd be a crazy start to a potential film involving the best of both worlds. The ending was the best beginNing for our film. We decided to play with the conversation soze has as he left with our detective. We removed the coffee drop and the board with an escalation of intentions on both sides. Our conclusion was that Soze had escaped and cully and I would begin our hunt for him to end the revolution.
We originally didn't know that we didn't need to do a redo scene but after our Lifting session, we decided to do one from the beginning of the film. As they lined up they had the line “give me the keys you fucking cocksucker”. Extremely explicit we decided to say it in the way the film had where laughs were and the lines exactly. We played throughout the film The Godfather theme and eye of the tiger to help add a tone that escalated but also smooth.
Overall I believe our mashup between both films could be very really interesting and that mixing two very different movies together is hard but with the usual suspects ending alteration being the beginning of the next film there are endless possibilities.
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