Luke Watson-Sharer Capstone

 My benchmark began the beginning of my junior year, not on purpose as I began to work at the Penn museum for my ILP. I began doing light research and presentations in the galleries and eventually writing and presenting tours. What I wanted to do was create and write my own tours for people there and SLA classes for my capstone. It was something I understood but was also comfortable with and I had the ability to do so since I’ve been working there a while. 

I originally had written three tours but only presented two. I presented two of them to groups at the Penn museum and 1 to the SLA students. The topics were Numismatics in ancient Rome and modern day American currency and Tradition and culture in old Africa and what we wouldn’t have in the U.S. without it. I thought these would be relevant and interesting topics that people at SLA and elsewhere would be interested in since it felt very relevant and current. I presented the Rome tour to a group of around 10 at the museum where I engaged the crowd with a lot off questions allowing comparison. I then did the tour of Africa to SLA students and wanted to show them of the changes and things that we don’t put our mind to. I know our capstones are meant to integrate the SLA and other communities around us. I put together original work of engaging topics meant to allow students and people to consider history and its relevance to our lives today.

A link here shows the images, bibliography, tours and more 
