Macbeth Missing Scene: The Three Murderers

After the events surrounding Banquo's murder take place, the three murderers hired by Macbeth for the job are walking back from his castle. A conflict arises between the murderers concerning the escape of Fleance and who was to blame for the failed plan. 
This scene takes place while Macbeth is holding the feast at his castle after he has paid the murderers for their job. We thought it would be interesting to make a missing scene about the three murderers because we are not told much of them in the rest of the story. We wondered why it was easy for Fleance to get away and who each murderer would blame the situation on. If the murderers could have had more scenes, maybe we could get more of a glimpse into their morals and how they dealt with any guilt from their murderous actions. 
When we designed this project we tried to think of a way to create a scene that would be interesting and added more depth to the many layers in the story of Macbeth. Not only would it give you more information about what was going on outside of the castle during the feast, but would also show the audience other ways characters in the play were struggling to deal with morals and their connection with the outcome of certain events that occur in the play. 
Enjoy! -Piper, Mya, and Quaniyah 

Comments (6)

Ella Newburger (Student 2022)
Ella Newburger

I really like how you added more depth to the murderers and you gave them more than one layer, I thingk that this was really we thought out and you guys did a great job!