Mankind's Defeat by Meat
Farmers have past down the farms to their families for generation which is a normal for most areas in rural United States today. Over the past centuries in the U.S. farming specifically animals has been prevalent and it is considered to be traditional . Although, as time passes so does the economy and need for a higher profit. Factory farming plays a huge role in impacting the condition of mankind. Farmers are making more efficient and more cheap ways to sell their animal produce. The way can lead to deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, fossil fuel, carbon emissions, and monocultures. When these farmer do this the tend to treat the animals with less care and humanity. This often leads to a lot of controversies and on farms of the treatment of animals but because of the more efficient and more cheap ways of getting animal produce which is factory farming.
Over 90% of the United States meat come from factory farms according to The Huffington Post. But are on the human scale, how much of an impact do the have of the health of people? Scientists have stated that noxious chemicals that are found in animal waste and preservatives can lead to the development of neurological problems and even birth defects. Furthermore factory farms can cause bacterial infection to the human body. For example, more than 50 percent of employees from Delmarva Peninsula in Maryland were infected with campylobacter, which is a type of fatal bacteria according to Dr. Ellen Silbergeld. Overall, most animals are treated very unsanitary which is unhealthy to the human body.
Even though, humans are impacted by factory farming in the ecosystem and depend on many animals for a source of food, animals also have a role in the ecosystem too. Without other farming animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens humans would remain to be vegetarian and would eat more healthy. For this reason, these animals portray why animals are impacting humans in the ecosystem. According to most animals from factory farms today do live not even up to 2 years. For example, pigs live up to 10-12 years in average natural lifespan but in factory farms they only life about 4-6 months, egg laying chickens live up to 8-12 years in average natural lifespan but in factory farms they only life about 18 months, and cattle lives up to 20-25 years in average natural lifespan, but in factory farms they only life about 12-18 months. Eventually, most animals factory farmed will develop stronger antibiotic resistant bacteria which will lower the population of a lot these animals in the ecosystem. These statistics mean that the animals that tend to be born and live factory farms in the United States have a lifespan the are impacted negatively due to the fact that the lives of the animals are almost quartered. Therefore, factory farming also reduced the lifespan of a large population of animals in the ecosystem.
In conclusion, factory farming plays a huge role in impacting the condition of today's ecosystem. Overall, the impact of factory farming has a negative impact on the mankind. While factory farming does save time and helps farmer gain a profit easily and would financially benefit from factory farming. Although, the animals in factory are treated very unsanitary which is unhealthy to the human body which harms the human race a lot in the ecosystem. In addition, humans that are impacted by eating the animals from factory farms which also impact the animal. Due to the fact that humans purchase and consume the animals, this causes company to make more efficient and more cheap ways. These methods of factory farming lower the lifespan of the animals.
“Environmental Impact of Factory Farms.” Socially Responsible Agricultural Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
@peta. “Other Health Risks of the Meat Industry.” PETA. PETA, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
Table, Sustainable. “HUNGRY FOR INFO.” Sustainable Table Hungry for Info Factory Farming. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016. <
Good, Kate. “5 Ways Factory Farming Is Killing the Environment.” One Green Planet. N.p., 1 Apr. 2014. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
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