Mat and Terrance- BMark 3
Video games are a topic known very well around the world. It is something that connects people of different ages, races, religions, and social status. It is something that brings people closer together, allows to meet new people, and even learn new skills. I guess you can say that my partner and I chose this topic because it is something that we experience first hand. What better ways to do a project then to do one that you are nearly an expert on and enjoy doing. Our first hand knowledge made it very easy to conduct research. Also the fact that we had friends on a video game consoles that we could use a sources if we needed to made it even better. Although we knew a lot of the information, timeline, etc. there are still things that you can learn from doing a good job with researching, which made this project even more fun because with every source that we got from a teacher, a friend, and found ourselves we would unlock a piece of information that we were not familiar with before. Even though we were having fun there were difficult parts. The most difficult had to be selecting our presentation category because originally we wanted to make the presentation feel like a video game, but there were no categories that would support the type of project we wanted to make. Eventually we decided that choosing a documentary would be the best way to do this. Doing this documentary was pretty awesome. From the very first time that my teacher announced the NHD project I immediately thought video games. The reason for this is because video game technology is a revolution that no one can ignore. It changed society because of the amazing technological advancement that we were seeing, and that we are still seeing. In just forty years we went from a box that only played simple games to a motion sensor that detects every movement of your body and can also be used for voice commands. The revolution of video games is an amazing one that someone needed to point out and represent well which is exactly what we are intending to do in this project.
New York Times, . "COMPANY NEWS; Bushnell to Atari." New York Times [New York] 25 May 1988, n. pag. Web. 8 Jan. 2012. <>.
This article gives some basic information on what the industry plans to do with Atari. When I read this article, I just thought, “Hey, I can really make this seem legit.” This article gave me a feel for how and what the people were feeling at the time when Atari announced its beginning. In the articles that I plan on writing, I can give a realistic tone and mood to the audience, as if they were reading this NYT article that was written decades ago. This article gives me the opportunity to make this project more than just a project, but a cool piece of evidence that could actually belong to an archive that would be created for the gaming industry’s past.
Fisher, Lawrence. "BUSINESS PEOPLE; Founder of Atari Sets A Return Engagement." New York Times [New York] 02 June 1988, n. pag. Web. 8 Jan. 2012. <>.
The purpose of this article is very similar to that of the previous New York Times Article. The only difference was the relevance of the article. This one is more recent, relatively speaking, and it shows us more the reaction of the people when Atari began to give more information to the public. We really wanted this project to be realistic and show our audience how much of an impact video games has/had on society by not only showing them articles, but by trying to give them the same feeling readers in that time might have had.
Fisher, Lawrence. "BUSINESS PEOPLE; Atari Founder Joining In Commodore Venture." New York Times [New York] 09 May 1990, n. pag. Web. 8 Jan. 2012. <>.
This article was more for content of our articles, rather than for the mood and tone. We’ve begun to notice that there aren’t dozens of pages of articles written on this event and the time of Atari debuting, but we do realize a lot of it has to do with the game developers rather than the consoles. This lets us know that not much focus was on the product because the company wasn’t really telling the public much about what they were doing, just when it was coming and the process it took. This lets us know that we should fill that space of telling the audience about the consoles instead of the developers, so that’s what we intend to do.
Wilbur, Jay. "Id Software to Unleash DOOM on the PC." Id Software, Jan. 1993. Web. 8 Jan 2012. <>.
The press release of “Doom” contained every last aspect of the game and what it offered. It included everything you would see in a commercial for the game, and the info written on the back of a new game case, if you have any experiences with buying any. In my project, I intend to show how revolutionary a simple and obviously obsolete game like this had been back in the mid-late 1900’s. We want to include this in one of our articles, showing the modern audiences a glimpse of the past, keeping in mind that they know how advanced our technology is right now. In our presentation, we are going to make all these “new” features about the game seem really high tech and new, just to give our audience a taste of how much the release of this game had truly meant.
Feagans, John. Personal Interview. 1986.
In this interview, the director of Software Technology, John Feagans, answers some questions about technological advances and progress with different operating systems for computers. During this time, computers were very new and people were just beginning to understand the potential of a computer. Feagan’s role in this interview was to answer questions sent to Atari about the concepts of the code used in Atari video games and programs. John Feagans was the equivalent to when it came to the issues people were having with newer machines. Instead of searching an error code and message to understand how to avoid it and fix it, they sent mail to John Feagans; and in a few very brief, but accurate and insightful sentences, Feagans answered every last question to the T, obviously well enough for people to understand if the point had been made clear, as depicted by Atari.
Wingfield, Nick. "Xbox Live Challenges Cable Box." Editorial. NYTIMES. NEW YORK TIMES, 5 Dec. 2011. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. <>.
This article was written about the new Xbox 360 firmware update that would allow Xbox Live Gold Members to watch a “wide array” of television programs straight from their Xbox as long as they are already registered. The article strongly describes the “jarring” process of using the cable box or remote to sift through programs on your TV, but with Xbox, it simplifies the entire process for users of all ages for their convenience. We used facts and ideas from this article to prove video games will be more than a source of entertainment in virtual reality.
Vance, Ashlee. "With Kinect, Microsoft Aims for a Game Changer." Editorial. NYTIMES. NEW YORK TIMES, 23 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. <>.
This article talked about the ground breaking hardware released for the Xbox 360 called the Kinect- which is a motion recognition system that translates your moves in reality to moves on your television screen. The New York Times compares what Microsoft does to Sci-Fi only seen on TV and how Microsoft will likely take over virtual reality while Apple is still using touch screen. We used this article for stats and approaches the newspaper used to delay to the readers. We know if they emphasize certain things, then that is what the people want.
Phil. "Magnavox Odyssey History - Invention of the Magnavox Odyssey."
The Great Idea Finder - Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation. Web. 06 Jan.
2012. <>.
In this citation the website states many different facts about a man named Ralph Baer. Ralph Baer was the first man to come up with a video game system and that system was called the brown box. What was learned from this website is the “Brown Box” was later named the Magnavox Odyssey because Magnavox licensed the “Brown Box”. Some more things that this website does that will help the project is provide a timeline of some of Ralph Baer’s accomplishments such as him being rewarded the National Medal of Technology in 2004. The presentation will use this site in many ways such as using the information given to make a timeline and also create a background on Ralph Baer so that people are not confused about who he is. Another way that the presentation will use this site is by using it’s information of how Ralph Baer created a popular electron matching game called Simon that is still sold today.
Kwan, Michael. "When Did Video Game Ratings Start." Free Online Games | WII Games | Xbox 360 | Playstation 3. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <>.
This citation gives a background on what ESRB is, when it began, how it is used, and how serious it is taken. What was learned from this website is that ESRB stands for Entertainment Software Rating board. Another piece of information that was learned is that it began in 1994 in response to how upset parents were because the game Mortal Kombat was so violent. What will be done with this site in the presentation is show all the ESRB ratings, which range from Early Childhood (EC) to Adults Only (AO). With these with these ratings a list of some of the industries most influential games along with their ratings will be provided and if someone does not understand the rating they can always refer back to the chart that will be given. The last way that the site will be used is to help people understand why exactly they started putting ratings on games and what groups of people deemed it most important.
Staff, GamePro. "20 Games That Changed Gaming Forever | PCWorld." Reviews and News on Tech Products, Software and Downloads | PCWorld. 24 June 2009. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <>.
This site provides a list of twenty of the most influential games in history and explanations on why each one was influential. This site provides excellent information on games such as Bio-shock, Resident evil, Portal, etc… The way that this list will be used is it will help develop one of our own lists of the top 7 games that had the most impact on modern gaming. It will also be used to let people know how most of those games revolutionized gaming today. The game that will probably have the most information on is Doom because it is believed that, that game has had the biggest influence on modern gaming. This list is something that keeps the reader interested because most of them will want to keep reading to see if they have played any of the games up there but it’s informational at the same time so they are not just wasting their time reading words that don’t matter.
Laud, Joshua. "History of the First 3D Video Games |" EHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the Expert in You. | 25 Dec. 2011. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <>.
This site may be one of the most important ones used. The reason is because this site helps the presentation introduce 3D gaming. To many, when 3D gaming began, that is what really revolutionized the gaming industry. Instead of people playing with boxes chasing each other or two paddles hitting a ball back and forth, you now have a game like Maze War and Spasim, which is short for Space Simulation. This site will be used by referring to it to let people know about when the first experimentations with 3D began and it will also be used to introduce one first 3D games and one of the first, first person shooter game. Both of them titles go to Maze War. Another use for this site is to introduce how these games later affected games after them because they were the first videogames to actually experiment with 3D effects and Maze War was the first to use the first person shooting game.
Takahashi, Dean. "The Making of the Xbox: How Microsoft Unleashed a Video Game Revolution (part 1) | VentureBeat." VentureBeat | Tech. People. Money. 14 Nov. 2011. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.
This site explains the revolution of the Xbox. They let the reader know about how much of a risk Microsoft took when releasing the first Xbox then explain that the risk made them lose 4 billion dollars with the first console, but ever since the Xbox 360 came out it made more than 1 billion dollars a year. The way that this site’s information will be included into this project is it will use the various pieces of information in this site to show how gaming was expanded on in the future. Since it tells the reader about the how Xbox created the console that was not just for games any more, the presentation would explain exactly what this system holds and what other systems have done the same thing just not as successfully as Xbox. Such as the Sony Playstation 3 which hosts free online for it’s users but since the users do not pay for it, the budget on it Is based on what Sony as a company makes as opposed to Xbox 360 which makes it’s users pay for online so that the money they make from that can go right back into improving the online.
Paprocki, Matt. "The ESRB and Grand Theft Auto Round 50... Or Something Around There." - Blogcritics Sci/Tech. Matt Paprocki, 16 July 2005. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. <>.
This blog entry shows the opinion of a consumer that supports the ESRB and their efforts of keeping games at a level appropriate with their ratings. He expresses his feelings about how the ESRB went out of their way to fix a game that was presented with its worst available content, which included the Hot Coffee mod which was a mini game that allowed the player to participate in grotesque and obscene activities. We used this to get a better idea on how the ESRB was made and how consumers appreciate what it does. We also struck gold when we realized it was in 2005 because his judgment is on a topic that had been happening currently for him.
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