Max Riviere Capstone

For my capstone project, I decided to combine engineering with my passion for the gym by making a lifting bench for working out. I started my capstone by researching workout benches that were both machine-made and man-made. I first looked at some that were professionally built like you would find at a gym. I then looked at some workout benches other people had made themselves at home. While looking at both types I took notes on the details I wanted to include in my bench and the aspects I wanted to avoid. After compiling a list I used Fusion 360 to create my first design. After planning everything out I acquired the metal needed to construct the frame. I sought out the help of a family friend who has a lot of equipment in his garage. He was first able to help me cut the metal to the correct size and angles to join them together. Afterward, he taught me how to use the welding equipment he had and assisted me in welding parts of the frame together. I then drilled some holes to connect the remaining moving parts before painting it black. To make the seats I cut out some plywood, covered it with a cloth, and filled it with foam padding. It was a lot of fun learning to work with a new material and I’m glad I tried something new.

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