Maya Kohl Negative/Positive Space Cut out

Negative space in the empty space around an objects drawn, but not the object itself the area around it.  Negative space allows to trick the eye into seeing whats seeing an object or image there that's not drawn out. The space around it creates the outline of the object or image to let you imagine the blank space. First you would cut out the outline of a shape and every line within it. Like for example if you were going to do a donut you would cut out the circle and the inner circle. And those would in a way mirror the other side. So whats black on one side is white on the other and what's white on one side is black on the other. It helps to show the negative space by seeing the opposite color mixtures switch to show where it didn't show before. Its training your eye to switch the colored areas. It enhances the imagination to it. Based off of how you cut the negative space will determine what the viewers eye will see.

