Media Fluencey Slide(Re-do)-Matalai Lee
From my critiquing I learned that certain colors don't show as well or work as well with other colors. I also learned that less is more and I don't really need a lot on my slide to say a lot. My classmates also told me that I should change the background color of my slide to collaborate better with the other colors in my slide. They also advised that I changed the font of my words so the names of the countries are legible. I decided to take the US map out of my slide completely because it took up too much space and it looked unbalanced. I also decided to change the color of the names from a dark purple to a minty green so that you could read them. The research that I did helped me understand placement of pictures and words and how the visual appearance of your presentation can make it better or worse. I used google for the pictures of the flags, my peers for the changes that I made to it, Presentation Zen taught me to make my slide more visual and use less words.
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