Media Fluency

The assignment was to simplify my Me Magazine into one picture and present it. This task wasn't as easy as it seems. It seems like it, but not really. The fact thing that made everything really difficult part of this whole project was thinking of an idea for my slide, without going overboard. The goal i went for was to incorporate everything i put in my Magazine to one picture, but my problem was i talked about something that was completely different from each other. Till i came to the conclusion that the Mag. was all linked together by one thing. They all tell my emotion in a different way. So that's when i came up with the quote, “The construction of music is like the construction of art; there is no such thing as a first try. But at the end of the day, you express emotion in a different way.” I decided to pick and choose word to make a differnt color so that it sticks out to people reading. At this point i then tried incorporate music and art in one picture. That's when i thought of putting graffiti and a piano in the picture. And all of these show my qualities from my Me Mag.

bill board presentation
