Media Fluency
The way I designed my billboards was to get my point across with not looking at it for very long. The biggest thing on the billboard was an image of a girl doing a gymnastic move. At your first site One can tell that yes it will be about gymnastics. A billboard is used to sell somethings or inform someone about a topic from far away. So one can see it when driving in their car which is very quick, for that reason I made the font of my words 60 and made it bold so it would stand out from a far. My background was a mild tone pink I chose this color because I wanted to draw your eye as soon as you see it. I did not want to a bright color because I didn't know how it would reflect in the light. The font was blue and the background was pink this was so they contracted with each other but i made sure they blended at the same time. The main purpose for me creating this billboard was to inform people about the gymnastic community and pursue them to join. I had one key point and made sure throughout the whole process that key point was made. There were not to making things on my slide, because I didn't want to cram you mind with to many things at once. This is why there were a lot of blank space. You had time to take everything in while on your way to work or wherever you may be going on your ride. There was a theme to my slide. I had three main colors blue, pink and black. These colors blend well with each other that's what made my billboard stand out. To end, my billboard was an interesting and different one because it had all the components and it stood out.
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