Media Fluency

My background was black and the photograph that I used varied between different shades of light blue, making it stand out from the page. (Light-dark combination is a type of contrast style mentioned on )

This was strategic because I was going for something simple that would be memorable. 

While creating my slide I tried to  take into account that sometimes, space says just as much as words. And f

ollowing the rule of thirds, the photograph and words are placed to take up a balanced amount of space.

That having been said, I chose to leave my slide for the most part wordless, because

it wasn’t necessary to accompany the photo with a lot of script. 

Each of the letters were individually placed at even spacing because, to my knowledge, Google Docs ( does not offer a kerning option. Also they are size 85pt and about the same colour as the lightest shade of blue in the photo, emphasizing the contrast.

Media Fluency
Media Fluency
Based on the critiques from my peer and Ms. Hull, I made the font slightly larger and centered both the image and the script so that the slide would feel more balanced. Also, I experimented with shadows and different color combinations, but in the end kept true to my original theme.
