Media Fluency

Tech Q2-Bradley Gutierrez de Teran

Kai Bradley Gutiérrez de Terán

Green Stream

Tech-Ms. Hull

December 2, 2016


Making my slide was a hard process. I made 11 rough drafts of different slides before I chose this one. My slides varied from motivation, social justice, police brutality, government surveillance, baking, me getting into SLA, and me moving to Philly. It was confusing and hard figuring out how to fit as much as I could from my “Me Magazine” and, at the end I decided to do something about moving to Philadelphia from Albuquerque and getting into SLA.

After looking at different pictures and drawings, I found a backdrop of the Philadelphia skyline and decided to use it. I put it into Pixlr Editor so that I could keep only the skyline and make the rest transparent but I encountered a problem: Pixlr Editor did not let me keep the buildings, it only let me keep the sky, which had the out print of the buildings, and, to solve this problem, I thought that if I edited it a bit I could make it work. I made the skyline purple, put it on a slide, and decided to contrast it with the background of the slide and, naturally and following the color circle, I made the background yellow. After looking at it for a bit, I felt that something was wrong but I did not know what it was and decided I would let it rest. The next day I asked for some opinions from friends, which was a good idea the main thing that stuck out to me was that I should make the contrast stronger. I then edited it some more to make the purple darker to contrast the bright yellow. I was satisfied with the skydrop but I knew I needed to add more to the slide.

I wanted a photo of me in the slide and chose a selfie I took in Cape May last autumn, and started to edit it in order to make the background transparent -when I say transparent I mean that part of the background comes through the picture. I chose to have it this way because it showed most of my face. This was a good choice because when I showed it to people they wanted to look back at it, finding it interesting and cool.

Since I already had incorporated Philadelphia into the slide I decided I wanted to put SLA in too. As I looked online at the different logos of SLA I decided to go with this one because it was appealing and simple. I put it into Pixlr Editor and decided to get rid of the white, which was inside the circles, and I made that area transparent. I then put in in my slide and realized that to make a bigger contrast I needed to change the color of the flames, which I did from white to orange. I made the adjustments and then put it on the slide.

Once the graphics were done, I had to decide what to write and in what font. I already knew that I was going to put something about moving to Philadelphia and how and when I got into SLA, but I had to find the words and make it short. I decided to go with “[place] got Kai in [year]” because it was short and straight to the point. I had some trouble finding what words to use to say how I got into SLA and decided that I should make it like a math equation because it was simple, used few words and delivered a clear message. I decided to use the “Frijole” font because, as you can see, the Philadelphia skyline has a graffiti/street art look and “Frijole” went the best with it, giving it what I think is an appealing texture. I decided to make the letters the same color as the skyline so there would be harmony.

When I was moving things around I decided to put the photo of me and the SLA logo on opposite ends so there would be a balance and it would be nearly proportional.  I hope that this explained everything about my slide and why I did it that way. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them. Thank you for listening to my presentation, I hope you enjoyed it.
