Media Fulency

Technology Assignment - Slide (1)

What describes me the most ? Am I going for my girly side, or should I pick my athletic side? This is a tough decision because both traits are a big part in my life. My girly side sets the first impression for everyone, which is important. On the other hand, sports is my biggest passion. I love the feeling of being “fit”. For my slide I chose to incorporate both traits.

Black Sparta Management has my name written all over it. This is the boxing gym that I go to. In my “Me Magazine” I wrote a lot about boxing and all the great people I met through boxing. Boxing is a big part of my life, It built me into the person I am today. Boxing taught me to not hold back. For my slide I chose to have have the main focus be “Black Sparta”. I chose the font to be 96 so that the people's eyes immediately go towards it. Black would be the best color because it’s dark so you can see even from long distances and it shows the boldness.  

Now for the hint of girliness I decided to set a pink background for “Black Sparta”. I chose to do this because it added color to my slide and added contrast. I didn’t want it to be completely plain because then it wouldn’t be attractive. For a mixture of both traits, on the left, bottom corner I inserted a small picture of a female fighter in the color pink. This way whoever sees my slide can understand what “Black Sparta Management” is. Also next to the image I added a quote so that people would actually read it. Not too long, not too short. In my slide “Management” is placed under “ Black Sparta” just because to me it didn’t look right next to “Black Sparta”. But I made sure to italic it because that way people know that it’s important too, not just a random piece.    
