Megan Doe's Q4 Benchmark.

Click here to view my project.

For the most part, this was an interesting and exciting project. I loved the fact that we had to actually venture out into the city and find evidence of globalization.

I found that collecting the pictures was the most fun but it was also the most challenging. After a day of collecting photos, I realized some of them did not suit the topics. For instance, for energy I took a picture of PECO but really PECO is not evidence of globalization here. A better example was BP, a British gas and oil company functioning here.

Moreover, it was a pretty easy process collecting the photos. I first chose the 10 topics I wanted to focus on then brainstormed ideas and tried to connect them to globalization before I went out and got them. 

My favorite photo was probably the Asian Bank one. I was just so fascinated by the idea that China created a branch to serve to a culture that chose to live here. 

Although globalization is very evident in the city of Philadelphia, I think it is even more prevalent in bigger cities such as Chicago. Just from personal experience, I know that when I went to Chicago I was shocked by its size and even more diversity. And I believe that there are more opportunities for globalization when areas are more dense, more diverse and just bigger in general. 
