Mohamed Marzouk Voting day!

Question 1.

What motivated you to come out and vote?

"It's my right as an American to vote. Because, most people don't take advantage of there right to vote and it's not right that people don't come out and vote.

Question 2.

What would you like to see changed in our political system.

"Money being donated by corporations. There shouldn't be any more political donations. And, Barack Obama should back up what he said and have some influence on our government and our Country.

Question 3.

Do you vote in every election?(How regularly do you vote?)

"Every Election i have voted in."

Question 4.

Do you know why we vote on Tuesdays?

"I don't actually know, but i like that we vote on Tuesdays. It's better than mondays."

Question 5.

Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, Tv, print, internet, other.

"There's a website called that gave me a lot of information. Since, this year is a dry election and most people don't know about the judges or commissioners out there people don't necessarily care about this election as opposed to the election in 2008 and the upcoming one in 2012"

Question 6.

What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered.

" During the Obama Campaign in 2008 he brought up these messages about hope and his slogan about "Yes we can"

