Morgan M, Amanda M and Jessica H.. Infographic
What went well?
We found information on our topic very easily. It was easy for us to research what we wanted and our brainstorming and collaboration went very well.
What did not?
We had a lot of ideas for how we wanted our info-graphic to be displayed but they required more photoshop skills than what we were capable of.
c. What would you do differently next time?
Next time, we would use paper and pencil so that we could specifically plan out the way we wanted our info-graphic to look. I would also use the spare time we had to look up more information about the company. Also, next time it would be better to use a site where everyone could edit the page, the work basically had to be put on one person.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -
Be Concise- remain specific to one topic. Although our topic had many elements
Be Visual- to use visual elements and a lot less words.
Be Smarter- think about our topic thoroughly and use whatever elements we think will work best.
Be Transparent- to make it obvious.
Be Different- to be creative.
Be Accurate- make sure we do research on our topic.
Be Attractive- make sure it looks nice and is aesthetically appealing.
Be Varied- have a variety of images
Be Gracious- fair.
Be Creative- use the left side of our brains.
Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?
I think we worked very well with being attractive, concise and different. We weren't very varied because our info-graphic had a set theme. I think being gracious and being different was harder because within the time frame we had we focused on getting it done.
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