Morgan Marant Public Feed
Morgan Marant Capstone Project
My capstone was a two part portion that included doing two mini-sessions on how to stay in college. The first session took place on August 26,2013 at the school district building. The focus of that session was how to eat healthy and take care of yourself spiritually while in college. The main speaker was my mother Leslie Marant. The turn out was pretty successful, 15 people were in attendance. Many of these students were apart of the Philly Goes 2 College scholars program. My next session is scheduled to take place on Friday, June 7th at Science Leadership Academy. The purpose of my capstone was to take my experiences during the college application process and share it with other students. I also learned a lot from the speakers, so this experience was truly useful to me and hopefully those who attended.
Capstone Annotated Bib
1. "RAD Self Defense Courses." RAD Self Defense Course » Penn Public Safety. University of Pennsylvania, n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
2. Dodge, Allison. "How to Create a Business Conference at a College." Small Business. Houston Chronicle, n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
3. "Student Health and Wellness Services." Overview. Spelman College, n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
4. "Top 10 Tips for Eating Healthy in College." JDRF Improving Lives Curing Type 1 Diabetes. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
5. Slide, Casey. "How to Eat Healthy in College." Money Crashers. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
6. Schwab, Nikki. "Self-Defense Classes Gain Popularity on College Campuses." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 19 Aug. 2009. Web. 31 May 2013.
7. "Self Defense for Girls | Things Every College Girl Should Know." Things Every College Girl Should Know RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
8. Berett, Dan. "Research." The Chronicle of Higher Education. N.p., 19 Apr. 2011. Web. 31 May 2013.
9. Lucier, Kelsey Lynn. "How to Stay Organized in College." College Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
10. "12 Tips on Winning a Scholarship." Fastweb. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2013.
Guernica desde el punto de vista de Dr.Seuss
El Medio
Antes de la unidad, yo no sabiá que Hugo Chavez. Yo había oído su nombre antes. Cuando yo pensaba Hugo Chávez, pensé en un lider y un hombre de habla española. Hugo Chávez es un hombre que ha hecho grandes cosas para su país en mis ojos. Creo que habla lo que sentía. Aunque tenía muchos ideales culturales que no estoy de acuerdo con. Su pueblo lo amaba, lo adoraba y pensaban en él como un gran líder. Por lo tanto, yo lo respeto. Me enteré que hizo muchos programas sociales para avanzar en los pobres. Él se preocupó por el bienestar de su pueblo y ofreció ayudar a América muchas veces. Yo soy en el medio por que yo necesito más información de Hugo Chávez. La información no necesito un opinión de una gente que no pensaba.
La Natura de Oeste Filadelfia
Hola, me llamo Morgan, tengo diecisiete años y yo vivo en el Oeste Filadelfia para toda mi vida. Vivo en dos casas, pero los dos son son en el Oeste Filadelfia. Para la mayoría fuí en Overbrook Farms y es una parte de Oeste Filadelfia. Overbrook Farms esta cerca de el City Line Avenue y la universidad de St.Joseph's. Mi barrio fue muy tranquila y divertida para creciendo. Mi casa fue muy viejo y fue un consultorio médico. Todos los casas en mi barrio fueron muy largas y viejas, hacer el barrio misterioso. Una cosa sobre el encantador del barrio era la naturaleza. Mis amigos y yo viajaríamos a Cobbs Creek los sábados y hemos jugado los juegos. Los animales de Cobbs Creek fue muy interesantes. Había ciervos, conejos, marmotas y muchas zarigüeyas. El propósito de mi mural contar la historia de la natura de Oeste Filadelfia.
En mi opinión el arte es toda. En el mundo son formas infinitivos formas de arte. Poemas, cantas, bailas, pintas, murales y mucho más están arte. Arte es una expresión de los emociones de una persona. Arte son cuál quien cosa. Yo pienso que el arte que ser atractivo, bonito o feo porque es una expresión. La mayoría del arte tienen una mensaje puedo no necesario que. Yo creo que vandalismo, el tagging y el grafiti es una forma de arte porque es una expresión pero es arte ilegal. Yo creo que es importante que todos entienden cuáles son las características de artes. El arte público es importante porque hace que el hermoso barrio.
Mi mural es acerca de la naturaleza en Cobbs Creek. Los colores para las esquinas para llamar la atención sobre el centro del mural. También usé en blanco y negro porque me gustan los temas monocromáticos. Me estoy comunicando el mensaje de que Cobbs Creek es precioso y los animales que viven allí son geniales. La importancia de los animales y las flores son para retratar la belleza que vive en el oeste de Filadelfia. Muchas de las flores son formas diferentes de lavanda. Una flor que es común en Cobbs Creek. Hay ciervos, conejos, ardillas y otros animales del bosque. En la imagen de la cala, creo que da a la gente una referencia a la réplica que he creado. Si yo fuera dibujar, me lo puso allí para que la gente sepa, eso es lo que van a ver. Las etapas que tomó para crear mi mural encontraban las fotos de revistas. Creación del fondo negro y la impresión de las imágenes de los animales y el arroyo.
Yo pienso que mi mural es importante para mi comunidad por que es muy bonito. Mi mural muestra la historia de la naturaleza en mi comunidad. Le estoy enseñando las generaciones más jóvenes sobre lo que el arte público es o puede ser. Yo pienso que mi pieza es hermosa. Se le muestra a qué atenerse. Esto demuestra las similitudes entre lo que está pasando, entonces y ahora. Me parece arte es toda. Soy muy orgullosa de mi arte. Mi mural tiene animó, habla por sí mismo.
Mural Location: 1812 North 66th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Sources:Overbrook Farms, Its Historical Background, Growth and Community Life by Tello J. d'Apery, M.D. [the Magee Press, 1936]
Mmarant's Love Note!
Un lugar para un mural
Creo que este sería un lugar perfecto para un mural, porque no va a ser un parque construido allí. Una vez que el parque está construido los niños tendrán un lugar para jugar.
Las Musas de Filadelfia por Meg Saliman
3 cosas que este mural revela sobre la comunidad
. La comunidad es muy artistica.
. Muchos personas de viven en una comunidad con fondas differentes.
. La comunidad tiene apoyo por todos los artistas
2 objectos, imagenes, frases o palabras encontrados en el mural
. Un hombre que hace ballet
. Un mango que toca la fluta
1 rázon que es significativo para esta comunidad
. Este mural es mor importante para la comunidad y para mi porque es muy interesante y en este comunidad más personas son artistas. Yo crecí miando el mural.
Mar Adentro
La película Mar Adentro se trata de un tetrapléjico Ramón Sampedro. Ramón Sampedro vivío en Porto do Son, Galicia, España. Ramón fue pescadero, un día pasado él fue a nadar y el rompío el cuello. Entonces se le paralizado del cuello hacia abajo. Durante muchos años, hermana de Ramón y su hermano-en-ley tiene que cuidar de él. Él vive en agonía, sabiendo que él nunca será capaz de caminar, correr o nadar de nuevo. Su hermano se opone a la eutanasia, pero Ramón se encuentra a dos mujeres que se enamoran de él. Julia, una abogada que sufre de una enfermedad, se crea un caso legal para Ramón, pero se enamora de él, y él con ella.
Julia le ayuda a publicar un libro de su poesía, pero luego, tras acordar un conjunto suicidio, ella cambia de opinión y decide no suicidarse. Entonces una mujer llamada Rosa, una joven madre soltera que ha tenido una vida muy dura, también se enamora de Ramón. Ella trata de cambiar de opinión, y argumenta que su ejemplo ha inspirado y la salvó de una vida de desesperación. Ramón le desafía: "La persona que me ama de verdad va a ser el que me ayuda a cometer suicidio".
A partir del caso legal de Ramón se ha perdido, él parece estar lleno de desesperación y no tiene a donde ir. Aunque Rosa, modificado por su amor a Ramón, finalmente accede a ayudar a morir. Su objetivo en un extremo grabado en video en el que sostiene que lo que está haciendo es su derecho y que no se debería culpar a los demás o procesados por ella, sorbos de cianuro a través de una paja, y muerte.
Muchos de los temas en Mar adentro habló sobre el derecho de la persona de vivir y morir. ¿Las personas tienen derecho a quitarse la vida? ¿El gobierno tiene el derecho de decirle a la gente que no puede quitarse la vida? Otro tema, que se encontraba en el Mar Adentro había sobre el amor. Si un amante te apoyo completamente? Incluso si quisiera quitarse la vida? Ramón Sampedro encuentra dos amores en la película a pesar de que ambos son diferentes.
Creo que el gobierno no tiene el derecho de decirle a alguien si deben vivir o morir. Yo creo que la pena de muerte no es justo. Las personas deben ser capaces de vivir de la manera que deseen. Incluso si esa vida se refiere a la muerte. Especialmente en el caso de Ramón Sampedro, un hombre que es un parapléjico. Él no tiene ningún uso para su cuerpo, se siente como si su vida es una pérdida de tiempo y una gran carga para sus familiares. Creo que nadie debería ser una carga. Ramón también quería desesperadamente a morir, pero sabía que no podía pedir a sus miembros de la familia para hacer eso por el riesgo que ellos irían a la cárcel.
La película Mar adentro fue sin duda una lacrimógena. Eso me puso en la posición de alguien que luchó con vida. Creo que la película y la actuación fue bien construido. Las escenas eran hermosas. Y el entorno era perfecto. Me conmovió y me hizo llorar. Creo que fue una gran película porque te hizo pensar. Lo que te hacía preguntas. Daban ganas de luchar por los derechos de una persona que nunca te conocí. Películas como Mar Adentro son importantes porque hacen que la gente cuestiona los motivos de nuestro gobierno. Si el gobierno tiene el control completo. ¿Debería el gobierno jugar a ser Dios?
Riesgo Eso
Comería más nutritivo.
Hablaría con mas gentes en el mundo.
Diría a mi mama mis sentimientos.
Sonríería más.
Sería más confianza.
Llevaría los riesgos.
Una Antílope Simpática
Morgan Marant
Unidad 1 Relaciones Personales: Máscaras de Identidad
Srta. Manuel
“Mi Vida”
Me llamo Morgan Marant, soy de Filadelfia y vivo en Oeste Filadelfia. Soy muy madura porque tengo muchos adultos en mi vida. Me importa mucho las problemas de las mujeres por todo el mundo porque yo soy apasionada por los justos de ellas. Tengo un bolsillo de sol porque tengo un amor que yo adorar. En el futuro, quisiera una buen pareja de mi marido. Yo voy a tener exito y confianza. También yo voy a ser simpatíca y cariñosa. Me molesta mucho los estudiantes son antipáticos o inseguros porque es importante que los son feliz y cuidan con otros. No creo las mujeres necesitan dar el primer paso porque no es propio de u n dama y soy muy tradicional. Tengo miedo do de una cita a ciegas muy mal que estoy muy huraña y mi cita está una persona tacaño o autorotarío.
Soy Afro-Americana. Tengo pelo marrón y medio largo, y los ojos marrónes. Mis ojos tienen forma de una almendra. Tengo los ojos de mi abuelita. Yo llevo los contactos de ojós todos los días porque me gusta mis ojós. Mi pelo es de los rizos estillo de los rastafaris. Me encanta mi pelo mucho porque es diferente y muy llamativa. Mi mama es muy alta, ella corrió en la Universidad y ahora. Es por eso yo soy alta y atlética. Sin embargo, yo remo, no me gusta correr. Remo por tres años y me encanta eso. Por lo tanto quiero ir a una universidad con un equipo de remo. Me gusta cantar, bailar y leer. Me gusta las artes. A veces voy a cantar todo el día. Me pongo un collar de África todos los días. Según dice soy muy étnica, pero para mi, eso es mi moda.
Soy inteligente por eso es el razón yo quiero a mis amigas porque ellas son intelectuales. Los demás dicen que soy realista y optimista. Es por eso que tengo muchas personas que son felíz en mi vida. No me gusta las personas que dicen el mundo están terrible. Quiero me rodear con las personas positivos. Mis amigas Jessica, Imani, Taylor y Nori son chicas muy positivas. Soy trabajadora y ambiciosa. Remo todos los días de la semana durante el año de escuela. Trabajo mucho duro en todos mis clases. Es por eso que no tengo un novio.No tengo la tiempo. Notas son muy importantes para mi. Fuí a una escuela muy competitivo y me cae mal los gentes muy competitivos. Notas no fué importantes. El medio ambiente de la escuela para mi fué muy mal. Sin embargo, asisto la escuela de SLA y me encanta mucho porque los gentes son muy intelectual y simpatica. Los profesores, los estudiantes y el director son mis amigos porque SLA es una familia.
Para mi, soy muy llamativa y llevadera pero según dice todo lo contrario. Ellos dicen que soy huraña, pero me gusta ser solo. Me molesta las personas dramáticos porque es un gran pérdida de tiempo.
Tengo ganas de las personas jovénes quieren atención. Es por eso ellos usen las red sociales para transmiten todos preguntas y problemas. ¡No son necesarios! Tengo un Twitter y Facebook pero no quiero transmite más información de mi vida. Por lo tanto, ellos que dicen soy tímida. Me gusta leo las personas que yo no sabe. Sorprendentemente, mis adivinas son correctos. Eso es un regalo que yo conseguí de mi padre.
Soy una Cristiana. Me levanté en la iglesia de Christian Stronghold Baptist Church. Es por eso yo soy tranquila, segura, sensible y tradicional. Uso las características más cuando tengo una problema. Mi religión ayudé me cuando me duelo me ánimo. Yo rezo por mis amigos y mi familia muchos. La reza está relajante.
Una Antílope Simpática
Morgan Marant
Unidad 1 Relaciones Personales: Máscaras de Identidad
Srta. Manuel
“Mi Vida”
Me llamo Morgan Marant, soy de Filadelfia y vivo en Oeste Filadelfia. Soy muy madura porque tengo muchos adultos en mi vida. Me importa mucho las problemas de las mujeres por todo el mundo porque yo soy apasionada por los justos de ellas. Tengo un bolsillo de sol porque tengo un amor que yo adorar. En el futuro, quisiera una buen pareja de mi marido. Yo voy a tener exito y confianza. También yo voy a ser simpatíca y cariñosa. Me molesta mucho los estudiantes son antipáticos o inseguros porque es importante que los son feliz y cuidan con otros. No creo las mujeres necesitan dar el primer paso porque no es propio de u n dama y soy muy tradicional. Tengo miedo do de una cita a ciegas muy mal que estoy muy huraña y mi cita está una persona tacaño o autorotarío.
Soy Afro-Americana. Tengo pelo marrón y medio largo, y los ojos marrónes. Mis ojos tienen forma de una almendra. Tengo los ojos de mi abuelita. Yo llevo los contactos de ojós todos los días porque me gusta mis ojós. Mi pelo es de los rizos estillo de los rastafaris. Me encanta mi pelo mucho porque es diferente y muy llamativa.Mi mama es muy alta, ella corrió en la Universidad y ahora. Es por eso yo soy alta y atlética. Sin embargo, yo remo, no me gusta correr. Remo por tres años y me encanta eso. Por lo tanto quiero ir a una universidad con un equipo de remo. Me gusta cantar, bailar y leer. Me gusta las artes. A veces voy a cantar todo el día. Me pongo un collar de África todos los días. Según dice soy muy étnica, pero para mi, eso es mi moda.
Soy inteligente por eso es el razón yo quiero a mis amigas porque ellas son intelectuales. Los demás dicen que soy realista y optimista. Es por eso que tengo muchas personas que son felíz en mi vida. No me gusta las personas que dicen el mundo están terrible. Quiero me rodear con las personas positivos. Mis amigas Jessica, Imani, Taylor y Nori son chicas muy positivas. Soy trabajadora y ambiciosa. Remo todos los días de la semana durante el año de escuela. Trabajo mucho duro en todos mis clases. Es por eso que no tengo un novio. No tengo la tiempo. Notas son muy importantes para mi. Fuí a una escuela muy competitivo y me cae mal los gentes muy competitivos. Notas no fué importantes. El medio ambiente de la escuela para mi fué muy mal. Sin embargo, asisto la escuela de SLA y me encanta mucho porque los gentes son muy intelectual y simpatica. Los profesores, los estudiantes y el director son mis amigos porque SLA es una familia.
Para mi, soy muy llamativa y llevadera pero según dice todo lo contrario. Ellos dicen que soy huraña, pero me gusta ser solo. Me molesta las personas dramáticos porque es un gran pérdida de tiempo.
Tengo ganas de las personas jovénes quieren atención. Es por eso ellos usen las red sociales para transmiten todos preguntas y problemas. ¡No son necesarios! Tengo un Twitter y Facebook pero no quiero transmite más información de mi vida. Por lo tanto, ellos que dicen soy tímida. Me gusta leo las personas que yo no sabe. Sorprendentemente, mis adivinas son correctos. Eso es un regalo que yo conseguí de mi padre.
Soy una Cristiana. Me levanté en la iglesia de Christian Stronghold Baptist Church. Es por eso yo soy tranquila, segura, sensible y tradicional. Uso las características más cuando tengo una problema. Mi religión ayudé me cuando me duelo me ánimo. Yo rezo por mis amigos y mi familia muchos. La reza está relajante.
10% Project- The Science of Ceramics
Summer Reading Reccommendation
Ultra snobby, Clara Frankofile has everything an 11-year-old could want. She's fabulously wealthy, she lives alone in a penthouse apartment with its own roller coaster and bumper cars... and all of New York City is afraid of her! Each night at the fashionable Pish Posh restaurant, she watches glittery movie actresses, princesses, and celebrities and decides who is important enough to stay...and who she will kick to the sidewalk in disgrace.
But Clara's tidy little world is suddenly turned upside down when she discovers that a most peculiar mystery is happening in the restaurant, right under her upturned nose. With the help up whip-smart 12-year-old jewel thief, Clara embarks on a wildly dangerous mission through the streets of New York to solve a 200-year-old secret.
Blog Post #4
What did you learn about your partner?
learned that Johnny lives in Colombia and is still in college studying computer engineering. He lives in a dorm and enjoys hanging out with his friends, hiking, playing guitar and drinking wine. Johnny also sent me a remake of the Black Eyed Peas song "I got A Feeling" it was really good, and I enjoyed listening to his music.
What did you learn from them?
learned that a lot of the music that I listen to in America they listen
to as well. The thing is that I think the music takes a little while
longer to get to them. I also learned how to conjugate irregular verbs
in the future, present and past. I also learned about the culture of Colombia, many of the people are huge fans of Shakira.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that when I begin to screw up a bit, I mess up things that I already know because I get nervous. I also learned that I need to relax and not take things so seriously when I'm speaking and if I make a mistake it's okay.
What were you surprised about?
was surprised that we had such a long conversation but I was also glad
that we got the opportunity to talk and that he agreed to help me out.
What are you proud of?
proud that I was able to hold a conversation in Spanish for a good amount of time.
Blog #3
What did you learn about your partner?
learned that Kike lives in Mexico and completed his studies as a naval
engineer. He lives with his mother and grandmother in a house and takes
care of the both of them. He also works at a shipyard and because of his
studies he has more flexibility with his job than everyone else.
What did you learn from them?
learned that a lot of the music that I listen to in America they listen
to as well. The thing is that I think the music takes a little while
longer to get to them. I also learned how to conjugate irregular verbs
in the future, present and past.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that when I begin to screw up a bit, I mess up things that I already know because I get nervous.
What were you surprised about?
was surprised that we had such a long conversation but I was also glad
that we got the opportunity to talk and that he agreed to help me out.
What are you proud of?
I'm proud that I was able to hold a conversation in Spanish for 30 minutes. I struggled a little bit I was surprised and happy with myself.
The Future of The American Dream - Morgan Marant & Jakobi Martin-Howard
Blog Post #2
- Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke with a girl named Laurasp from Spain because she's a girl and she's arund my age range. She was really nice and she helped me a lot. What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that she lives in Spain and likes a lot of different types of music.How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
This interaction helped me because I learned a lot more about Spanish culture. I also wanted to know about the daily life of a person who lives in another country.What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I improved on my vocabulary and grammar she helped me speak more fluently.What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
I struggle with a lot of things that have to do with the tenses. Like i get the past and future tenses mixed up.
Proyecto de Conversacion
Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke with Javier Marquez from Bogota Spain. I chose to speak with him because he seemed pretty good at English and Spanish so he could help me with both.What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that he is from Spain and he likes an artist named Pablo. Their music is pretty col and I enjoyed the interaction.How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
I became more confident and he helped improve my grammar.What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I improved in learning the culture and grammar.What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)rc
My grammar could be a little better. When I asked about music he said it was "es" instead of "son"
Ecosystems- Morgan & Jessica
Morgan M, Amanda M and Jessica H.. Infographic
What went well?
We found information on our topic very easily. It was easy for us to research what we wanted and our brainstorming and collaboration went very well.
What did not?
We had a lot of ideas for how we wanted our info-graphic to be displayed but they required more photoshop skills than what we were capable of.
c. What would you do differently next time?
Next time, we would use paper and pencil so that we could specifically plan out the way we wanted our info-graphic to look. I would also use the spare time we had to look up more information about the company. Also, next time it would be better to use a site where everyone could edit the page, the work basically had to be put on one person.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -
Be Concise- remain specific to one topic. Although our topic had many elements
Be Visual- to use visual elements and a lot less words.
Be Smarter- think about our topic thoroughly and use whatever elements we think will work best.
Be Transparent- to make it obvious.
Be Different- to be creative.
Be Accurate- make sure we do research on our topic.
Be Attractive- make sure it looks nice and is aesthetically appealing.
Be Varied- have a variety of images
Be Gracious- fair.
Be Creative- use the left side of our brains.
Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?
I think we worked very well with being attractive, concise and different. We weren't very varied because our info-graphic had a set theme. I think being gracious and being different was harder because within the time frame we had we focused on getting it done.
Morgan Marant "A Flapping Revolution"
My Google Doc
Morgan, Sabrina, Christian and Mike
The assignment was to create a project based around relationships using the subjunctive, present perfect tenses and verbs ser and estar. My group decided to do a spanish version of the show Cheaters because we would be able t utilize all the components that needed to be included in our project.
What did you learn from doing this project?
I learned how to properly conjugate verbs in the subjunctive clause and also how to give advice.How do you feel about your final product?
I feel that we worked very hard on our project and the final project is a great display of all the hard work we put into our project.If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
I would probably organize our time a little bit better but other than that I love our concept and I think we did a great job.Clash of Cultures
Sacco & Vanzetti Trial - Morgan M.
"The Healer"
It would be 11:55 in 41... 42.. 43.. seconds. I couldn’t wait to get out of my Political science class. I loved the hands on work, writing papers, debating and analyzing political documents but the lectures were a killer. As the professor droned on and on I couldn’t help but drift off to sleep. There were violets and blues all around me, and I felt at peace. A feeling I had not felt since I got to Howard University. The dream shifted and before I knew it I was floating above the clouds to a woman with a snake wrapped around her ankle. She had to be about 40 feet tall with kinky brown hair that shielded her eyes. She wore a brown cloak that was torn at the bottom. Her hands were slender and her skin was a rich coco powder brown. It was if she was beckoning me to come closer. It felt as if there was a magnet in the pit of my stomach and she was drawing me to her. The force began to get so strong that it caused me physical pain. I shouted for her to stop but she shook her head sadly and continued to pull me in. Looking into my eyes she opened her mouth as if she were about to speak until suddenly.
“Makenna Jameson!”
I jolted up in my seat as if someone had just prodded me with electric rods. And looked up at my teacher.
“Uhh, hi.. Proffessor Davis. I was just resting my eyes for our big midterm tomorrow”
“As I can see that Ms.Jameson, if you want to pass this class you’ll have to do more then rest your eyes.”
“Yes sir, I understand it will never happen again.”
“I hope so.”
As I collected my things and ran out of the classroom, I kept thinking about my dream. It was a recurring nightmare, I guess but the woman’s face wasn’t scary. It looked as if it pained her to inflict pain on me. Oh, well I didn’t have time to think about dreams, midterms were tomorrow and I needed to catch up on my studying. I carried my shoulder bag and walked back to the dorms. The air was chilly and the On the way there I saw my friend Anita sitting outside.
“Hey Anita, what’re you doing outside? It’s freezing out here.”
“Hey Makenna, and they’re doing some kind of clean sweep of the dorms. There are a ton of people in the buildings with masks on. I hope they finish soon, I need to study and their interfering with my Calculus time.”
“Oh my gosh, I hope they didn’t find anything serious, this is not the time to try and care about our health now. I need to graduate with a 3.5 or I loose my scholarship.”
“Yeah. Hey, do you want to go over to the Labs it’s freezing and they have to keep the temperature high in there or the science geeks freak out.”
“Sure, let’s go.”
We walked over through the campus over to the science buildings. I didn’t know this portion of campus very well, I stayed in the social sciences area. We walked into a building furnished after a Greek temple. We walked in and Anita was right, it was burning hot. I took of my leather jacket and hung it up.
“Makenna, come over here.”
Anita called me into one of the labs and put on one of the lab coats hanging on the coat rack.
“Anita, are you sure we’re allowed to be in here? I think we’ll be in some serious trouble if we screw with anything.”
“Oh relax, I’m in here almost every day. Did you forget I am a genealogy major, I know what I’m doing. I’m working on a project, you can help. I just need a small blood sample. All you have to do is prick your finger and squeeze some of the blood onto the sheet. I’ll put it through the machine and then I’ll be able to retieve some information about your ancestors.”
“That would be really cool, I am adopted but I never thought I would have the money too look up information about anyone related to me. But I do know that my birth mother and father died in a car crash 19 years ago.”
“Cool, so I’ll really be able to dig into some records.”
I pricked my finger with the pin sitting on the counter and squeezed the tip of my finger until blood ran on to the sheet of thin paper. Anita took the sheet and ran it through the scantron machine. I sat down and anticipated the results. I was nervous. Up until now I never really thought about where I came from. Of course, as a child I had dreams that maybe I was a magical princess who would some day rule over Genovia but reality set in and I accepted my adopted family and loved them with all my heart. I thought to myself Makenna, this does not change anything. Your parents love you and you wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. You’re just finding out where you are from.
“Anita how long will this take. I don’t want to be here all day, you know we have-”
Before I could even finish my sentence an administrator walked in and yelled.
“HEY! What are you doing in here, you can’t use the equipment unathourized. GET OUT!”
We ran out of the lab before he could even get another word in, I grabbed my jacket and bag and we ran back to the dorms. Out of breath and sweaty I almost strangled Anita.
“You said it wouldn’t be a problem! If I get kicked out of school you owe me time and money!!”
“Relax, he was just a transfer intern, they all leave tomorrow. He won’t even know who we are.”
“Better not or we’re going to rumble.”
She laughed heartily.
“Oh, Makenna that’s why I like you, always so conscious.”
“Whatever, I hope they’re little investigation is over because I’m going to my dorm.”
“Okay, see you later.”
I walked into the dorm the floors were covered in broken yellow caution tape. Probably from oblivious college students ripping it down and continuing to their rooms. I took the elevator to my floor, walked down the hall, and unlocked the door to my room.
“Oh my god!”
My room was torn apart, my mattress was flipped on to the floor, all the stuffing spread on to my desk and even in my closet. My clothes were strewn around the room and my laptop was gone. “What the hell happened?” I screamed. I walked in the room looking for anything that I could salvage. Even my toiletries were gone, my hair pins, heck whoever did this took my care package from home. I ran down the steps to Anita’s floor and banged on the door to her room.
“Anita! Open up! Someone ruined my room.”
She opened the door slowly and looked at me with her eyes wide open.
“Makenna, come in. I need to talk to you.”
“Anita, are you okay, what’s going on?”
“I just got a fax from the lab, we need to talk.”
“Talk about what? Anita! Tell me.”
“If I tell you you’re going to have to trust me.”
“I will.”
“Makenna, you are Ethiopian from a tribe known as the Oromo people. I screened through your records and your DNA says you are a healer. Oromo mythology says that healers were regarded as one of the highest honors. It also says that the goddess of healing, Dachambe, watched over them through dreams and gave them beyond supernatural powers. Healers could heal anyone wit the palm of their hands. And they had the ability to live forever if they decided to be dedicated.”
“..What? How did you find all of this through one spot of blood?”
“Makena, I have always had my suspicions that you were a healer. I’m not an average student, I am apart of a team who looks for healers throughout the world and protects them. It is my job to protect you from the government.”
I laughed hard.
“Protect me?! Anita, you’re 5’4 and 135 lbs. And you sound like some conspiracy theorists. What does the government want with me?”
“Makenna, don’t doubt my abilities. If I need to I would die for you. And the government wants you so they can kill you. You don’t understand the power the sick have in this world. People will pay millions of dollars so that they can live. Parents spend their life savings on children who get leukemia. Billions of dollars are given to government funded programs to find a cure. But if you can keep a person alive and still sickly they will spend thousands to survive. Your powers take all this money away in the blink of an eye. You are the key to saving the human race and you are also the one girl who can put us in the worst economic crisis this world has ever seen.”
I sat there silent and then there was a knock at the door.
“Makenna... Open up. We want to speak with you.”
Amanda and Morgan PSA
Trader Joe's Project
- what it's like to work as a tomato picker in Florida
The work is really hard and painful. They usually work in horrible conditions and for little pay. - the problem with buying tomatoes from Trader Joe's
Trader Joe's has refused to boycott companies that make it possible for these conditions to continue. The workers would like one cent more per bucket of tomatoes. - what we can do about it
We can boycott Trader Joe's and write letter to the CEO. It's not fair for working people to earn less than minimum wage.
- How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
Our group focused on several of the points highlighted in the information on voter turnout. We found that several people of lower income and status chose not to vote. Their reasons for choosing not too were unknown but what was known is that voting is extremely important. We saw reports that other countries who had administered compulsory voting had a higher voting percentage then ours. That's why we decided to focus on compulsory voting. - 11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? The role of the individual is to create a successful environment which many can agree with and believe in. When creating change it is also important that the person is passionate and believes in their ideal. To sustain change the person must be persisten in their ventures for change.
- How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
It has changed because in my opinion, I feel that America is still a democracy but in a way these restrictions go back to civil rights times in the 60's. The government says that they're trying to prevent vouter fraud but there has been very few cases of voter fraud. It seems to me that they are attempting to keep certain groups from voting. - How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
We decided it would be best to make our video as interactive as possible and to engage people with our print-ad. We felt that it was best to try and make them as interesting as possible because it is important.
My Voting Interview
De dnde vengo yo?
y me gusta mi hogar
Es mi experiencia
y esto tengo que afirmar
Una ciudad buliciosa
calles pavimentadas con gris
vivimos de prisa
y el aire con debris
Vengo de Francia,
Bahamas y Africa
Yo quiero ir allí
Yo quiero ir allí
Vengo de Francia,
Bahamas y Africa
Yo quiero ir allí
Yo quiero ir allí
Mi mama es molesta
Pero ella no esconde
Y nosotros encantamos mi abuela
Mi familia, mi cuidad, y mis amigos me forman
Soy universal
Yo los amo y me aman
y temprano por la mañana
Me quedo despierto hace la medianoche
Soy una trabajadora chica
Vengo de Francia,
Bahamas y Africa
Yo quiero ir allí
Yo quiero ir allí
Vengo de Francia,
Bahamas y Africa
Yo quiero ir allí
Yo quiero ir allí
Immigration Visualization Project
The immigration visualization project had some data that was somewhat surprising and others that I thought was a bit predictable. For example, the fact that immigration was so conjoined with our history was not surprising. Even though there should have been a gradual curve in development social implications can always change a graph. It makes perfect sense that during the 1940's there was a huge drop in immigration into the United States, which was predominately caused by World War II. What surprised me the most about the data was that certain parts of the world had more leeway into our country then others. In the next two decades, I'd like to presume that immigration has dropped in our country due to our bad economy and how hard it is to find jobs now.
If the economy can be fixed and make us a prosperous country once again, then we will have another huge influx of immigrants and we will be back to the gradual curve. The gradual curve, created an interesting phenomena in comparing that to the actua data. So, when my group made the decision to work together we came together with ideas. We wanted to visually represent the data in a way that was quick and straightforward. We used an online presentation tool called VUVOX. One of the presentation themes in VUVOX is making collages. Our group decided to create a timeline of the information through visual representations of each decade. The bigger the picture the higher the immigration during that decade.
That course of action seemed the simplest to us and was very useful. Unfortunately, VUVOX is a website so saving work online was a challenge. During the creation of my collage piece it was deleted, or not saved and I had to start all over again. Also, I may have not been extremely explicit in the instructions and my parter and I had two different ideas of what we would be doing. If I could fix my mistakes and begin this project again I would choose some better photos and possibly have key. The key could describe what was going on in the government or immigration because I have the historical facts but not the ones on immigration. I would also incorporate better pictures or visual representations of what's going on within that time period and within history. I would also include a personal account of a person's journey to America as the audio just so it would add more depth to the story.
Makenna Refran
¿De dónde vengo yo?
Vengo a Fances
Bahamas y Africa
Yo quiero ir los
Yo quiero ir los
My refrán is communicating that I am of French, African and Bahamian descent. I also say that I would like to visit these places. I like that it gets the point across. I would like to change some parts because my song does not rhyme. Nothing was really difficult, I would just like for my refran to rhyme.
Where I'm From by Morgan Marant
I’m from the hustle and bustle of a city
From West Philadelphia born and raised
Said a famous actor
But that’s my story
I’m from the hood fireworks before independence day
From little girls double dutch on cracked concrete
From manhunt games going into wee hours of the morning
From a type A mother
And a hang-loose father
From two complete opposite sides of the spectrum
Im from snapping peas women
And washing collard greens in the bath tub
I’m from church on Sunday
Bible study Wednesday with a youth group who is nothing but callow
From retreats to hiking, biking and fishing
I’m from a city where nature & a city is no more then a mile away
I’m from a town who bands together in the face of injustice
I’m from a family who does nothing but support me
I’m from a school where being quirky and outlandish is the norm
From a world where technology is on the rise
From a mind where intelelect is the only answer
From a street where crime is only a stereotype and not a fact
From a father who protects me
I am from blessings and miracles
"Climbing the Social Ladder" by Morgan Marant
A SEPTA Mentality
Morgan Marant
Gold Stream
A SEPTA Mentality
There is a natural code of conduct while riding a SEPTA bus. That is: you’re in public, treat this bus better then you would yourself. SEPTA even took the time to put these rules on every bus in Philadelphia. Apparently, the woman next t me had never taken the time to read the rules or to even consider that she’s not on the bus alone. She talked animatedly into her phone and loudly popped her gum; unaware that everyone on the bus could hear her conversation.
“I don’t unda-stand ‘POP’ why I didn’t get the job! ‘POP’ I mean, I’m qualified and sh*t ya know what I’m sayin! ‘POP’ they just aint hire me cuz I’m back.”
My first impulse was to slap the phone out of her hand. The reason you didn’t get the job is because of the way you speak not because of your ethnicity, I thought. She probably doesn’t know any better. What a shame.
James Baldwin the author of several books writes “To open your mouth… is to ‘put your business in the street.’ You have confessed your parents, your youth, your shoo, your self-esteem and alas your future.” He is undoubtedly correct. The way a person speaks not only conveys their language it can exhibit how they were raised. Language and speech can dictate who a person becomes as an adult.
My mother and father both pushed me to speak properly. My mother- a lawyer- and my father –a school teacher- taught me to use correct grammar at some of the earliest stages in my life. There were many times in my life where I went to conventions and legal functions with my mother. Several times I was complimented on how well spoken I was at such a young age. When I attended middle school the way I spoke began to give me a problem. My peers would often tell me that I didn’t speak like the stereotypical black girl was supposed to therefore that made me not black but an Oreo; white on the inside and black on the outside. My speech displayed that I was and still am destined to be successful. It appears that the way a ‘black girl’ speaks does not reveal those ideas or characteristics.
After those incidents I began taking out my anger on people who resembled the ones that made fun of me; most of them were of my own ethnicity. I looked down on them. Why couldn’t they speak proper English like the rest of the world? Why were so many of them loud and angry? Why couldn’t they be like everyone else? Then I came to an understanding that I knew nothing of every individual, black person in the United States. I was judging them solely, on how they spoke. Their language defined the identity that society had already created for them and I went along with it and even believed it.
A language does show a lot about a person’s identity. A language can even determine people’s initial reaction upon first meeting them but a language cannot determine where a person ends up. If and only if they allow the identity that society has placed upon them to hinder them then they have allowed themselves to become a product of their language and environment.
Even though I am older and wiser I still cringe when I hear a person speak like the woman on the SEPTA bus. A small part of me retreats back into my old personality and says, “Here’s another black person setting us back five years.” As I pull myself out of that mindset I know that it is just a language. A language that only defies how the person speaks and not who they are. A number of comparisons can be made between ethnicity, language and class but the truth is the way a person speaks does not create their identity. It creates the identity that society has designated for them.