Where I'm From by Morgan Marant

I’m from out of service SEPTA lines
and traffic jams on the expressway
I’m from the hustle and bustle of a city
From West Philadelphia born and raised
Said a famous actor
But that’s my story
I’m from the hood fireworks before independence day
From little girls double dutch on cracked concrete
From manhunt games going into wee hours of the morning
From a type A mother
And a hang-loose father
From two complete opposite sides of the spectrum
Im from snapping peas women
And washing collard greens in the bath tub
I’m from church on Sunday
Bible study Wednesday with a youth group who is nothing but callow
From retreats to hiking, biking and fishing
I’m from a city where nature & a city is no more then a mile away
I’m from a town who bands together in the face of injustice
I’m from a family who does nothing but support me
I’m from a school where being quirky and outlandish is the norm
From a world where technology is on the rise
From a mind where intelelect is the only answer
From a street where crime is only a stereotype and not a fact
From a father who protects me
I am from blessings and miracles  
