
For the first quarter benchmark in Being Human, Dillon and I were told to create a response to a piece of literature in our society now. We brainstormed important ideas that capture the essential themes of our generation: individualism, personalization, access to information, globalization, and more. We pulled themes from books, videos, and articles that relate to our central ideas to make our project as relatable to contemporary literature. For an in-depth analysis of how this project fits into today’s cultural fabric, click here.

We focused on beauty standards and mental health stigmas by designing a cultural response to a play written by a 15 year old girl. First we built the press release, an Instagram feed, which introduced the play to the public. We felt this made the most sense because so many people have found fame through the internet and social media. The feed followed her on the journey of writing the play and having it being discovered by a producer. The press release sparked enough publicity that a famous talk show host, Dillon Degeneres, noticed the play and invited the playwright onto the show. We based this segment off of Ellen Degeneres’ talk show because she often picks up viral video stars and gives them more fame. We used this interview to highlight the key aspects of the play that wouldn’t have come out otherwise. Some of those key points were the two storylines or the way mental health stigma shows itself. In conclusion, this project made us deeply analyze the characteristics of modern times and apply that understanding to a creative and engaging presentation.

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